Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > I'll See You Five Minutes Ago

Chapter 3

by LePanicFan 1 review

In which an awkward meeting with Mr & Mrs Urie esues, including being mistaken for an angel.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-07-17 - Updated: 2011-07-17 - 1245 words - Complete

20 minutes later, we were walking towards Brendon’s house, still talking.

‘Let me get this straight.’ He said for the fourth or fifth time. ‘You were at your grandparent’s in 2011, fell asleep and woke up in 1999? Whoa.’

‘Damn straight whoa. Are you sure your mum and dad will be OK with me staying? I could find somewhere else...’ I snorted as the words reached my ears.

‘No, no, they’re always pushing me to help those in need, so they can’t turn around and say no can they?’ He looked pretty sure, but his clenched hands belied the confident exterior.

I laid a hand unthinkingly on his arm and he flinched, then relaxed. We smiled at each other, but then I tripped, ruining the moment. Darn it! Was one of the more attractive things I screamed at my feet (in my head of course).

‘You OK?’ Brendon asked, concern lacing his voice.

‘Uh yeah. Just my big feet I guess.’ I smiled at the pavement ruefully, wishing I was more graceful and less, well, me.
The rest of the walk was spent in silence, both of us deep in our own thoughts.

At Brendon’s House

‘Mom? Dad? I’m home, and there’s someone I’d like you to meet.’ He turned to usher me into a small hallway, leading to a set of stairs at the end. The walls were white, with just one painting of Jesus on the cross to adorn them. There was a wooden floor with a threadbare red rug covering the middle, and I could see where many feet had worn it through in places. Why don’t they replace it? I wondered idly.

‘Brendoooon, are you sure? What if they don’t like me?’ I whispered, clutching his arm tightly. Yeah, I was freaking out, and barely managed to control my shaking hands when his parents looked up from the kitchen table where they were sitting.

‘Brendon!’ his mother smiled and I instantly became less worried. But only a little. ‘Honey I know you love that park, but its half past nine! What were you doing? Hello there.’ She nodded at me as she walked past to hug Brendon. I looked nervously at Brendon’s dad, remembering fanfics where he was huge and mean, but he didn’t look it. Yes, he was huge, but his face was crinkled into a smile at me. I could practically feel the waves of niceness rolling round the room, making me forget about my messy hair, dirty clothes, worry about my family.

Things are going to be OK! I thought, smiling back at Mr Urie.

‘So Mom,’ Brendon started. I looked at him, almost seeing his brain working to place one word in front of the other. Why is he so worried still?

‘Um, this is Betsy. She’s from the future.’

I jerked my head round to look at him, then at Mr and Mrs Urie to gauge their reactions. In the deep end then, Brendon? I thought, secretly glad I didn’t have to bring the subject up myself.

‘Pardon?’ Mr Urie spluttered, his smiley mood disappearing like tiny clouds facing a thunderstorm. Mrs Urie has gone white, I notice, and walks unsteadily back to the table to support herself.

‘Brendon, what have we told you about lying?’ Brendon’s father asks deadly calm.

‘He’s not lying sir!’ I exclaim, my voice unnaturally high. I’m not too sure about the ‘Sir’, but it seems to be the wrong thing to say.

‘You cannot be from the future.’ He hisses in my face. ‘Or is time-travel possible in the year 2300?’

Great, we’ve moved onto contradicting sarcasm now, but like Hell I’m gonna point that out.

‘Not 2300, 2011.’ I squeak. Why is my voice so damn high? ‘I, uh, don’t exactly know why I’m here for sure, but me and Brendon talked it over and the most plausible reason we could come up with is that I’m supposed to guide him through life... What’s wrong?’ I ask, as Mrs Urie is staring at me in wonder. Have I grown wings or something?

‘You’re his Guardian Angel.’ She breathes, still staring.

I glance at Brendon, he’s shaking his head exasperatedly, obviously similar things have happened before.

‘No, Mom-’

‘No, Mrs Urie-’ we start at the same time. I giggle stupidly, but it’s cut off by a glare from Brendon’s dad.

‘Um, no. Sorry. I’m just as human as you guys. Probably. Maybe I gained some weird power during my travels here!’ I joked, giving a weak grin. My attempt at humour falls flat in the tension-filled kitchen.

‘Well, I suppose you’ll have to stay here for the night.’ Brendon’s dad said heavily, cutting through the atmosphere. ‘You can explain properly in the morning. And if this turns out to be some elaborate hoax, I will have no choice but to exorcise you for pretending to be an angel.’ He smiled, but it didn’t completely cover the threat.

‘O-ok. Um, thanks.’ I stuttered, glancing yet again at Brendon to see if he had noticed. But he was talking quietly, to his mother, looking into her eyes. I guessed he was trying to talk her out of the idea that I was an angel, but judging from the dreamy look it wasn’t having much effect.

‘Um, well, where should I sleep?’ I ventured, not wanting to upset Mr Urie again.

‘Oh we have a spare room love. And you can borrow some pyjamas from me.’ Mrs Urie looked over, smiling. ‘Anything for a Messenger of God.’ She smiled vacantly, and I sighed.

‘Please Mrs Urie, I’m not an angel.’ I looked at her seriously ‘And thank you. Until I can get a job, I’ll have to borrow stuff from you guys. This will be such a pain, I’m so sorry, but Brendon is literally the only person I know at all now.’ I fought the tears welling in my eyes and fatigue too. So much had happened in the last... I checked the wood clock on the wall... three hours! It was just before eleven o’clock at night! How did time pass that quickly? I wondered, yawning.

‘Oh no, ’ Mr Urie smiled widely at me. ‘You’re a guest in this house, you don’t have to pay for a thing.’ Wow, mood swings much? But all I could think about was a nice soft bed and hours of dreamless sleep.

The next half hour was a blur of making up the bed in the spare room, white cotton pyjamas and a search for the spare toothbrush, finally found still in the packaging at the bottom of a wicker basket in the bathroom.

‘Night Bren.’ I yawned, giving him a clumsy one-armed hug as I finished brushing my teeth.

‘See... you... inna morning.’ He forced out through sleepy lips, and I marvelled at him, as he’d been demanding to stay up and watch some movie on TV 5 minutes ago.
We smiled, and parted ways. I crawled into bed and after a little shuffling around to get comfy was asleep in seconds.

[A/N: This is mainly filler, the next chapter is much better I promise :D It has a bedroom scene, but not the way you're thinking! (Ai seez into ur mindz) Rates/reveiws make the chapters come faster!]
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