Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Miss You More Than I Did Yesterday


by The_Used 4 reviews

haha yay my bday!(seriously buy a present for my bday 10-31. jk like anyone would really buy me a present)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-03-17 - Updated: 2007-03-17 - 1967 words

Tonight was Halloween.
I'd been way too old to go trick-or-treating for a long time, and usually I got stuck handing out candy and cooing cute little remarks to little kids with weird costumes.

But this year, I had been invited to a party. At Haley Helems house.

And, every senior in their right minds know that Haley Helems' Halloween party is the biggest thing that happens during the first semester. It's full of drinking and breakups and drama and stuff. The cops have been called a few times.

Usually, I hate going to parties.

But guess what?

I got a date.

His name is Matthew. He's in my social studies class. Fairly smart, plays baseball.

And right now, even the relatively boring Matthew was wanted to get my mind off Gerard.

He had been going out with Amy for nearly three weeks, and every day I prayed for her to break up with him.

And yet, at the same time, I didn't. Because it would hurt Gerard to break up with her. Gerard really seemed to love her. After the initial shock of Gerard Way being in a relationship, the majority of the school population was now commenting on how cute a couple they were.

Yeah. Sure. I've SO seen cuter.

The few that absolutely were against this decision were me and my friends, Mikey, and (it's not very surprising, considering Amy) Gerard's friends. His fellows, Frank, Ray, and Matt ((author's note: I know they have Bob now, but Matt was the highschool drummer)) were totally against this. They said it had been messing up their band. They hadn't had a good practice since Gerard and Amy started going out, I think. Which, all things considered, is good for me.

I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. If you went to Haley Helems' party, you had to have a costume.
Because of my dark mood recently, I had chosen to be a vampire.

A high necked black velvet cloak hung from my shoulders, a cold, gothic-looking clasp kept it together. It fell open over a flowy, sweeping black dress that had all the vampirical works; lace, black jet beads, and a Victorian age design. My hair was halfway pulled back, and the rest fell in loose blond curls gently over my shoulders.

I had bought some nicely realistic fangs, which I had just put in. I had on pale lipstick and lots of eyeliner. Total living dead look.

Ha, Amy, I thought bitterly. Your little fair princess outfit will never match up to this.

Downstairs, I heard the doorbell ring, and my parents, who had anxiously been waiting on the couch, sprang to answer it.

I swept downstairs, pausing at where the stairs gave a sudden turn and descended into the living room.

Matthew grinned at me, dressed in a musketeer costume. I smiled back, knowing that any girl who actually liked her date would at that moment.

"Have fun!" I heard my mom say before the house door was closed behind us and I was in Matthew's little black car.

"You're costume's really cool," Matthew said as we began to drive. I smiled a little.

"So's yours," I said politely.

Five minutes of total silence enveloped us until we slowly parked in front of Haley Helems' large house, where lights flashed inside and people were dancing on the lawn.

As we got out of the car, Matthew, blushing, gently took hold of my hand and guided me inside.

After a few minutes of having typical, run-of-the-mill conversations, I spotted J.B. waving at me excitedly at the door next to Amanda. I glanced at Matthew, who nodded, and then I hurried over to them.

"I barely recognized you!" J.B. breathed excitedly. J.B. was in a 'historically accurate', as she called it, Elizabethan age gown. Amanda was dressed up as Axel Rose had once, fake leopard skin vest, aviator glasses, tight jeans, and a bandana in front of her hair. She smiled at me.

"Your's is way cool," Amanda said, having to yell over the blast of some retarded rap song.

"So's yours!" I shouted back.

"Isn't it cool to be here?" J.B. said, eyes shining as she surveyed the room.

When a couple making out as they danced crashed into me and nearly knocked me over, I shouted, "Let's go onto the lawn."

We trooped outside.

"Leila! Wicked costume!" I turned around, and saw Frank grinning at me, looking like something from Dawn of the Dead. I laughed.

"Did you go a little overboard with the fake blood?" I asked, still giggling. He shrugged, hands in his pockets. His face and shirt were absolutely splattered with it, and, quite honestly, it was very realistic.

"Maybe," he said lazily. "But you can never have too much, in my opinion."

"Too true," said Ray quietly, who was standing nearby, also adorned in fake blood.

Mikey trotted over, stopping the last two feet or so to do an Igor impression.

"Isn't my costume cool?!" he asked proudly. It was really just kind of weird, but that's Mikey for you.

As I was responding, I looked behind, and saw Gerard whispering something into Amy's ear that made her giggle.

And guess what?

Amy was dressed as a fair princess.

And she was hanging on the arm of a vampire that's costume was probably even more vampirical than mine.

That just totally began ruining my evening.
Afterall, who wants to see some blond haired, pink-clothed girl hanging all over the guy you like, and maybe, dare I say it, possibly love?

I sure as hell didn't want to.

And I kept on thinking wistfully that Gerard and I could've been vampires together.

Which, together, made the majority of the party suck.

J.B.'s Point of View
When Leila was standing sadly in a corner with some sort of punch in her hand, I hurried over to Frank.

"Frank," I said loudly, trying to get my voice to reach him over the music. He turned around.

"Yeah?" he asked. I quickly glanced over to see that he wasn't drunk, and then pulled him to a quieter side.

"Look, Amanda and me came up with a plan," I said, watching his face. "And it concerns Leila and Gerard. But we need your opinion, first."

I watched Frank mull this over, and then he looked at me, dead serious. "About what?"

"Do you think Leila and Gerard each have a secret crush on each other?" I asked.

He looked to the side, and shrugged. "Sometimes. Why?"

"Well, you see..."

Back To Leila

I think there was some sort of alcohol in the punch, but it kind of made me feel better. I could at least dance in a big group and stuff, and not feel all depressed about Gerard.

But, after seven or so little cups of punch, I started feeling sick. This was, after all, the first time I had had alcohol.

I swayed on the edge of the crowd. My head really, really hurt.

And so did my stomach.

I stumbled down the hall to the bathroom, and, in my drunken stupor, forgot the number one rule of teen parties: Always knock on a closed door, cause you probably don't want to see what's going on behind it.

I opened the door, feeling bile rising in the back of my throat, and then stopped dead. Even with my eyes sort of swimmy and stuff, I could see what was before me.

Gerard and Amy were making out.

Like, really making out.

They stopped when they heard the door open, though.

I saw Gerard's eyes flash with some sort of surprise, and Amy's mouth, her pink lipstick smeared all around the edges of it, turned down in disgust.

Reeling, I backed away, crashed into the wall, and then hurried into the backyard.

"Leila? Leila?!" I heard someone call, but I didn't look.

At this point, I couldn't contain it any longer. I leaned over and threw up into the Helems' backyard. Quite a few times.

Tears were running down my cheeks as Mikey, Frank, and J.B. hurried to my side.

"Oh, Leila!" said J.B., looking at me strangely, like she felt sorry for me. Mikey circled his arms around my shoulders as they shook with half-suffocated sobs.

Frank walked to a tree that had been TPed, pulled off a large amount of clean toilet paper, and then came over and wiped off my mouth.

When I had quieted a little, Frank said quietly. "There's a garden hose in the corner. I wouldn't really wash my mouth out with anything else." I went over, and turned it on, swearing as it splashed onto my shoes and the bottom of my dress. I washed my mouth out and cleaned my cheeks, knowing that I had made the eyeliner drip down my face when I cried.

Sadly, I drifted back over to them, still swaying and feeling a little sick.

J.B. gave me a hug. "You okay?"

"No," I whispered.

Frank sighed.

"I think it's time for all of us to go home," he said slowly, pulling out his car keys.

"She can't go home to her parents drunk," J.B. insisted in the front seat, talking to Frank as he drove.
"I know," he said, running a hand through his hair.

I was curled up in the back seat, and Mikey was watching me with a concerned expression. They had sent Ray to tell Matthew that I felt sick and was leaving and was sorry I couldn't tell him bye myself.

I was thankful for all of this later, but right now I was too tired and my mind was too clouded over with alcohol to really appreciate it.

"My parent's are out somewhere for a long time," Mikey said slowly. "We could hide out in the basement, and keep her away from...him."

Frank nodded, his hair now messed up. "Sounds good to me."

J.B. looked back at me worriedly. "Is that alright?"

"Yeah," I whispered.

Amanda would've been there, but her older brother had swung by to pick her up an hour or so earlier.

Which was kind of good, cause I didn't want a million people seeing me like this.

Mikey pulled a key out of his pocket, and we all entered the Way house. I was leaning heavily on J.B.'s shoulder.

They plopped me down on the couch. "I'll call her parents," I heard J.B. say as she picked up the phone.

Thank God it was Halloween, cause otherwise, my parents probably wouldn't have let me stay.

Mikey rummaged about his room and found some shorts and t-shirts for J.B. and I to sleep in.

He handed me the clothes and I disappeared into a bathroom to clean up.

I watched my face in the mirror.

I really looked like hell. My lipstick was coming off in some parts of my mouth and not in some other parts, so it was all mottled and strange looking. Remains of the eyeliner could be seen around my eyes and a little down my cheeks.

I sighed, rinsing my mouth out with mouth wash and scrubbing hard at the makeup. Without it all caked on, I felt curiously clean.

I slowly made my way to the living room, where the others elected to let me sleep on the couch, due to my disorientated state.

I was so tired. So very, very tired.

And so, while the others were watching some half-played Clint Eastwood movie that they had found in the VCR, I closed my eyes and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

*An:thanks for the rates and then reviews. They're sometimes very helpful to me so thanks. :D
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