Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Those Boys In the Pimp Stripes Suits.

by The_Used 0 reviews

In New Jersey.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-04-16 - Updated: 2008-04-16 - 816 words


It was a cold winter night in the state of New Jersey.
I sat around with "The Family".
My family wasn't your average family.
My family hustled the streets of New York and New Jersey.
I was raised into the Capo De Tutti Capi Mafia.
My Father was "The Boss Of The Bosses".
He was the one responsible for most of the crime.
He was in charge of the prostitution rack and the damn drug dealing.
I grew up around the sex and the drugs but it didnt really affect me.
I still was a spoiled brat by my father.

Tonight was a "get-together". My father was bringing in women from different countries to be on his rack.
He sent my cousin known as "Quack Quack" out to go get the girls from the Airport.

While we were waiting for Quack Quack my father sent me out to go pick up some Cocaine and Speed from a guy down in Jersey.

I got in my car and headed to the Murder Scene, NJ.
I cruised down the streets to make sure the girls were making their money.
I found the house my father sent me to.
I parked the car in the alley.
I went up to the front door and knocked.
I saw a guy crack open the door.
"Can I help you Ma'am?" he spoke in a very quiet voice.
"Yeah BabyCakes. Im here for My father John Moretti."
"Oh, You must be Morticia. Come on in, Sugar." he said and opened the door.
I stepped in the house.
It was a very welcoming. You would never think the person who owns this house would be even selling speed or coke.

The guy lead me down to a basement.
I watched him fish out 4 plastic boxes that were almost the shape of a tool box from underneath a bed.
"Here you go, Sugar. Tell your Father to call me around 11. Alright?"
"Sure thing...erm" I said not knowing his name.
"The names Gerard. You can call me Gee." he said with a smirk that could make any girl wanna drop dead.
"Alright, Gee. I'll be sure to tell my Father." I said with a smile and walked out the door.

Dear lord! that man was scrumptious.

I got in the car and drove back home.

When I got to the Penthouse I went straight up to my dads office to drop off the drugs.
"Aye, Dad. Gerard said to give him a call around 11. Alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, and make sure in the morning you go feed those bitches that Quack Quack brought back."
"Alright Father."
"And Morticia..."
"What do you want now?!"
"Dont be shoutin' at me."
"Sorry Father."
"Its alright. Tomorrow after yous is done with dem bitches I want you to go back to Gerard's place. When ya get there yous is gonna have to help him weight the Coke.
and Listen kid, I want you to flirt with the guy. Do what you got to do. He has something I need and you're going to get it for me.
"and what if I dont fucking want to do it?!"
"Do you want to sleep with the fucking fishes tomorrow?"
"Fuck you John!"
"Hey Morticia I put you in this fucking world and I can fucking take you out of it. Got that clear?"
"Whatever father."
"Alright Dahlin'. See you in the morning"

God my father is such an ass. I swear the fucking asshole makes me do shit that I shouldnt be doing.
Like fucking guys for speed.
My father is fucking dipshit.
Tomorrow calls for a fucking party in Hudson.


Next day:

I woke up to the sound of screaming.
Yep, Its Mom and Dad fighting again.

My mom refused to live my dads lifestyle but there was no way to get out of it now.

I heard my sidekick LX ring.

"Hey is this Morticia?"
"Who is this?"
"Its Gerard."
"Ahhh hey sugar. whats good?"
"Listen sugar, tell your dad that Im coming over. There is gonna be a raid at my house. Im taking all of the shit with me."
"I'll tell him. Call me back when your near buy so I can open the gates."
"Alright Sugar, I'll see you in 30 minutes."
"Bye." I said and disconected the phone.

I some shorts on and ran down stairs.
The yelling and screaming was still going on.
My parent were in the kitchen fighting.
"JOHN!" my mom yelled.
"LINDA! my dad yelled back.
"MOM DAD STOP ALREADY!" I yelled out.
"What do you want baby doll?" my dad said.
"Dad, Gerards gonna be here in 30 minutes. He says that the police know...yeah something about a raid. I dont know but he is gonna be here. So stop fighting!"
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