Categories > Games > Pokemon > Pokémon A Different Journey Kanto Arc

Episode 16. Pokémon Shipwreck!

by MeganSH129 0 reviews

We exit the sunken ship with steam Rocket and we get attacked by the newly evolved nonshiny Level twenty male Gyarados that James released.

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Published: 2020-03-12 - 93 words - Complete

Ten minutes later.

It's 9:00 am.

Ash,Brock,James,Jessie,Meowth,Misty and I woke up.

Fifteen minutes later.

It's 9:15 am.

We're out of the boat together and we're on a raft far away from all three of the Team

Rocket members.

Three minutes later James's Magikarp evolved into a Gyarados and it summoned two more.

Two minutes later we're passed out on the Giant Pokemon island's beach and Team Rocket is passed out on the other side.

It's 9:20 am.

The Chapter Ends.

I hoped that you loved it Pokemongirl21589,midnightrebellion86,TheMythicalGreninja and PassivePeppermint.
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