Categories > Games > Pokemon > Pokémon A Different Journey Kanto Arc

Episode 18. Tentacool and Tentacruel!

by MeganSH129 0 reviews

We defeat Brutella and we save the ocean for the Pokémon. Tentacool and Tentacruel.

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Published: 2020-03-12 - Updated: 2020-03-12 - 81 words - Complete

Thirty minutes later.

It's 10:10 am.

Ash,Brock,Misty and I arrived at Porta Vista.

Ten minutes later.

It's 10:20 am.

Brock,Misty and I got to meet three people.

Delia Ketchum,Gary Oak and Professor Samuel Oak.

Twenty minutes later.

It's 10:40 am.

Ash,Brock,Misty and I stopped Brutella from destroying the Tentacruel's home.

One hour later.

It's 11:40 am.

Ash,Brock,Misty and I arrived at Maiden's Peak.

The Chapter Ends.

I hoped that you loved it Pokemongirl21589,midnightrebellion86,TheMythicalGreninja and PassivePeppermint.
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