Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Fury of the Hellspawn: The tale of an Incubus

Privet Drive

by apocalypso

Things have changed. Harry Potter is no longer the docile boy that we know. Constraints are freed as a young demon indulges his bloodlust. This is extremely graphic and violent, so take caution! NO...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Erotica, Horror - Characters: Bellatrix, Harry, Rodolphus Lestrange, Voldemort - Warnings: [R] [V] [X] [Y] - Published: 2006-03-07 - Updated: 2006-03-07 - 3357 words

A/N: Alright. This fic is just something that came up...extremely dar, featuring Evil!Harry. I want to make it clear right now: THERE WILL BE EXTREMELY GRAPHIC SITUATIONS IN THIS STORY.

If this is not your cup of tea, don't read it. There will be gore. There will be sex. There will be rape. There will be extreme violence. There will be demonic aspects to the story...devoutly religious people, you have been warned.

Now...don't expect regular updates. I'm working strong on my other fic, and this is just to blow off steam and vent the dark situations that I would like to write into the other one, but won't since it will be irreversibly ruined. This is a Harry/Harem fic, with Bellatrix being his main romance character.

Now...happy reading, and don't flame concerning the stuff that I JUST mentioned. Also, if you would be so kind, please refrain from reviewing with drivel like " is one sick mofo" or "UPDATE!!!!1!!!111!!!!1"

Thank you.

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Chapter 1: Privet Drive

Red eyes glittered maliciously as Lord Voldemort, the Darkest Wizard in eight centuries gazed dispassionately at the perfect little house in front of him. With trimmed hedges, mowed lawns, cream paint and overbearing normalcy, it represented to him all that he hated about muggles. Their very kind was a stain on the Earth, in his opinion, one stemming from a childhood of abuse and neglect that he would never disclose.

The only one who knew of the Dark Lord's beginnings was Albus Dumbledore; and that too, through legilimency, a skill that could no longer breach the Dark Lord's defenses.

Oh, how wrong he was.

Turning, his high pitched voice emerged as he sneered "Come along! I grow tired of your uselessness!"

The followers he addressed blinked in response and jumped into action, none willing to incur the madman's anger by pointing out that they were waiting simply for Voldemort to finish indulging in his irritable reverie.

Stepping in close to him, the all placed a hand on his extended left arm, where he had drawn up the sleeve of his robe to allow him to touch his bare skin. On his forearm was a long slice extending from his wrist to his elbow, allowing mucus-like blood, tinged a filthy shade of yellow, to flow in ugly droplets. Shudders of revulsion were quashed mercilessly as their fingers touched his impossibly pale flesh, the sick, cold feeling of reptilian skin causing the nausea that they were experiencing.

In a humorous two-step, the group shuffled close to the house, covering the fifty meters or so that separated them from the front door over an arduous five minutes.

The reason for this impromptu dance of sorts was simple, yet complex. The blood-wards over Privet Drive extended forty five meters around the house in each direction. Since Voldemort bore Harry Potter's blood in his quasi-reptilian veins, he was exempt from them. The wards served to restrict any magical persons who bore ill-intent towards Potter, but the brat's blood in Voldemort's body meant that he could escort them in as long as they kept in constant contact with him. Of course, this could only be achieved if they touched his lifeblood, not if they grasped his robes in the way that pleased the sycophantic Dark Lord. He was loathe to allow them to touch him, but the prize he would find was well worth the discomfort.

Their odd shuffle ended as the group reached the front door, and a wordless spell from Lord Voldemort opened the door with nary a sound. A few of the Death Eaters exchanged startled glances, wondering how the Dark Lord had managed to draw up the resolve to keep himself from blasting the door to shreds.

The Dark Lord in question sneered to his followers "Do not be imbeciles! Dumbledore's Order must have a few watchers here, and loud noises will attract them. The Disillusionment charm that we wear right now wards us against visual identification, and my spy has informed me that neither the werewolf nor that blasted Moody are on duty tonight."

They needn't have worried, for Hestia Jones was peacefully slumbering in the front yard, covered by an invisibility cloak.

The group entered the house silently, and Voldemort yanked his hand away from his minions, causing them to start at the sudden compulsion to leave immediately. They shuffled nervously, trying to fight the incredible itch that drove them towards the door, creating the compulsion within them to flee the house immediately. Snarling at their lack of skill in Occlumency to keep the compulsion charm out, he restrained them with a glare, and waved his wand, intoning a short chant. The wards were added two new charms in that moment, one to stop any change in the wards and magic of the house being recorded by monitoring devices and another to cease the compulsion charm. Then, thinking again, he waved his wand once more, and added a silencing charm to the immediate perimeter of the house.

The Death Eaters heaved a silent sigh of relief as the urge to flee the area suddenly ceased. They turned attentive eyes towards their master, who looked at them as if to size them up.

"Macnair, Rabastan: You will deal with the older muggles. Bring them down here silently. Nott, you will fetch the younger muggle. Bella, Rudolphus, bring Potter down. On second thought, have some fun with him for a while; I shall entertain myself with the Muggles for a while. He has no way of escaping, for the house has wards to prevent apparation and portkeys. I will reinforce the apparation and portkey wards, so there should be little chance of Potter escaping unless you bungle things up. I would retrieve him myself, since I am well aware of your general incompetence, but I find myself more eager to watch the torture of his family first. Remember, my Death Eaters, you have created enough problems for me already. You are treading on thin ice."

A series of gulps was heard as the Death Eaters moved to do their Master's bidding. Casting silencing charms on their shoes, they made their way up the stairs.

Macnair and Rabastan quickly entered the Master Bedroom and placed silencing charms on the sleeping couple before levitating them down, flashing insane grins. Nott followed a second later, levitating a still sleeping Dudley.

Seeing the others' success in their missions, Rudolphus and Bellatrix approached the last bedroom. Bellatrix, still shivering from the contact with her master's skin, eyed the locks on the outside of the door with distaste. A flick of the wand caused the door to open silently, and they stepped in to the darkness of the room.

Rudolphus smiled evilly as he saw the prone form of Harry Potter lying on his bed, covered with a tattered sheet. He experienced some confusion as he looked around the room, noticing that it was threadbare at best, more appropriately describable as a hovel. The wallpaper was peeling, the floor unpolished, and there seemed to be the remnants of what looked like bars on the window. Training his wand on Harry, he watched his wife take up a position at the foot of the bed, and flicked the switch to the light.

Brightness flooded the room, illuminating almost nothing. The room was sparse and tiny, with nothing more than a tiny closet built into the wall and a small table with a chair. There was a space on the other side of the bed that held a battered trunk, a pile of weights and a few books haphazardly strewn across the room. Mentally voicing his disgust, Rudolphus turned to Harry, who was still sleeping obliviously, although his eyelids were creased due to the light.

"Wake up Potter!" he snarled, "We're going to have some fun with you!" Bellatrix winced slightly at the brashness of her 'husband', but said nothing.

Harry slowly came to life, his body re-animating in short jerks as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. To his credit, Bellatrix thought, he did not start or scream; he simply blinked in surprise. As his eyes met hers, she was a flash of emotion in them, although she could not interpret what it was.

In an almost experimental manner, he said "May I get dressed?" Rudolphus went puce colored at Harry's statement, shuddering with rage. Angrily, he tore the blanket away from the boy, only to start as he realized that Harry was completely naked. Bellatrix started as well as her eyes raked over his body disbelievingly, seeing musculature on him that had not been there at their battle two months ago. Then, her eyes found his crotch, and they widened even more, an urge to choke in disbelief erupting momentarily. Harry was barely able to fight down a blush at the woman's stare.

Rudolphus, rather, smiled evilly, and licked his lips in a disgusting fashion. "My, my. How well we have grown, Potter. I do believe that the Master will not mind if I was to have my fun in an altogether different manner."

This time, he did get a reaction, as Harry went pale at the thought of being violated by the disgusting man in front of him. Throat dry, he said " have a wife?"

Rudolphus laughed cruelly. "A mere convenience, Potter. I cannot beget an heir with my...tastes, so I must use her. She, of course, has been singularly unproductive in that respect." Harry paled again, eyes flickering towards Bellatrix for a second, and seeing a blank expression in return.

A tapping on his window distracted Rudolphus for a second, and that was all that Harry needed. He leapt forwards, smashing Rudolphus in the solar plexus with his shoulder, using his bed as a brace for his leap. Crushing the older man against the wall, he received a loud grunt of pain and then a shriek as the doorknob smashed against the small of Rudolphus' back, making the beginnings of a large bruise. Clumsily, he took advantage of the man's distraction to snatch the wand from his hand, and used his elbow to strike him in the face, breaking the man's nose spectacularly. Holding the now limp man's body as a shield, he barely managed to avoid the stunner from Bellatrix' wand, causing it to hit Rudolphus instead.

Harry was struggling with the weight of the man, being forced to hold him up by the scruff of his neck to maintain the physical shield. Bellatrix, who was staring into his eyes, suddenly started in shock and fear, noting that Harry's eyes were anything but fearful now. They held nothing but malice.

Eyes flashing, Harry snarled "Should I demonstrate my Cruciatus now, Bellatrix? Do you doubt my hate?"

She sneered at him, and replied "Why don't you try your best, itty-bitty Potter? Do you think you can beat me?"

Harry smiled coldly. "No. I cannot beat you in a duel. But make no mistakes, I can kill you. It will take only two words, Bellatrix, at point blank range. I am shielded, you are not."

She realized that he was correct, knowing that he blocked the only exit to the room, had Rudolphus as a shield, and doubtlessly had enough magical power to cast the Killing Curse if need be; multiple times.

"But can you do it, Potter? Can you cast the curse?" She taunted him, hoping for him to give it up. "My Master and three others are downstairs, entertaining your family. You cannot win."

He was staring at her, the same cold smile playing about his lips, and she felt shocked as she recognized what emotion was in his eyes.


Swallowing nervously, she lifted her wand again, holding it experimentally in front of her as if she was unsure of how to proceed. She could easily out-duel him, for he was no match for her. However, as things stood right now, he had the upper hand unless she backed up and dropped out of the window, an unpleasant prospective. For some reason, though, she felt loathe to actually duel him.

Harry stared at her for a full three minutes, his eyes boring into hers powerfully. Then, the hand that tightly clenched Rudolphus' robes relaxed, and the older man dropped to the floor in a heap.

Staring at her, he said "I'm saving you a lot of trouble." She looked perplexed, wondering why he had given up his advantage like that. Her grip on her wand became sweaty as her eyes were once again exposed to his naked flesh.

Distantly, she heard him say "I feel an undeniable urge to prove myself, Bella my dear."

Then, the next thing she heard was "Crucio." She blanched slightly as he husband was awoken with the most horrific screams pouring out of his mouth, at the mercy of the dark haired youth who was torturing him with his own wand. A minute under the curse flew by for all three of them, although it felt noticeably longer for Rudolphus.

Spitting blood, an act that shocked Bellatrix, he snarled "What the hell are you doing, you useless bitch? Subdue him!" Uncertain, her eyes flicked over to Harry, who still stood over her husband. The same cold smile played about his lips.

She half-heartedly raised her wand, but he shook his head, and her arm dropped to the side involuntarily. Inwardly, she wondered what was making her do certainly couldn't be his handsomeness, she was loathe to be manipulated by something as superficial as sexual attraction.

Smiling cruelly at the look of shock on Rudolphus' face, he raised the wand again, and muttered "Explodra Ossum Incense." Bellatrix blanched again as the very curse she had used the last night on an irritating recruit in front of her Lord was applied to her husband. The curse hit the man's left forearm, right on the Dark Mark, causing fire to ignite in his bone marrow, and then explode, shattering the bone to shreds. An earth-splitting shriek poured out of Rudolphus' mouth as shards of bone shredded through the muscle on his arm and left it a bleeding, mashed mess.

Bellatrix was gaping at Harry in shock, wondering what would happen if anyone knew of him using such Dark curses.

In an almost conversational tone, Harry said "Quite an inventive curse, Bellatrix. Of course, I'm sure that Rudolphus here and that poor recruit Samson don't appreciate it as much. I learnt it just last night as well! I think I performed admirably."

Bellatrix gaped, not knowing what to say or why her lack of reaction seemed...righter than cursing the young man in front of her to pieces.

Harry turned to Rudolphus, a cruel grin on his face. "So. You bat for the other team, huh? Well, I'm sure I can arrange something inventive for you." Rudolphus was weeping incoherently, his arm in pieces.

Harry snorted derisively and said "I might even make" He stepped over the body towards Bellatrix. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw him come closer and closer to her. Feebly, she raised her wand to shout out a curse, only to see him brush past her delicately, making the innocent act somehow incredibly sexual. He had not even touched her! Gasping for breath, she missed his knowing smile as he moved towards the desk. Pulling out the chair, he jabbed his wand forwards and whispered "Diffindo." The cutting curse was cast with abandon, and it performed appropriately, causing a leg to fall off the chair with a clang, leaving anything but a smooth, even cut. Spiky splinters protruded from the circular leg dangerously, the tiny visible bits of lacquer reflecting the light of the bulb.

Absently, as Harry looked it over, he wondered how Rudolphus had known of electricity enough to know the purpose of a light switch. Discarding the thought, he headed back over, a gleam in his eye. Bellatrix looked at Harry, mortified, as the youth waved his wand with a muttered spell, causing her husband's pants and underwear to vanish. Nudging him with his foot, Harry rolled the man over onto his face. Then, he lifted his head, and beckoned at Bellatrix.

She stumbled over, furiously questioning why she was following his orders. Stepping up to him, she turned around until her rear was pressed against his crotch. She let out a moan as he bit down on her neck, sucking on the creamy skin there. She was unprepared for his knee to nudge hers on the back, and he gently slid her down along with him until she was kneeling on the floor. He placed the chair-leg in her hand, the blunt end pointing towards Rudolphus' ass. He waved his wand, muttering something under his breath. She recognized a certain charm from an old book of sex magic, making her blush as she remembered it.

His teasing voice entered her ear from a distance of less than a foot. "Naughty, naughty Bellatrix." Gently, almost tenderly, he grasped her hand and lifted it slightly. Then, with force, he brought it down aimed right for her husband's orifice. The man let out a shrieking scream of pain at the unexpected and painful violation. Tears leaked from Rudolphus' eyes as the pain struck him terribly, allowing him to forget about his mangled arm for a few seconds.

Bellatrix's eyes were wide with shock, and she gasped as a warm mouth pressed a kiss to her neck, sucking on her skin. Harry's hand began to jerk the protruding stick around with short, quick jerks, each causing a loud reaction of pain from Rudolphus. The movement did not thrust the stick in and out of the man, but rather jerked it sideways, tearing at the muscles around the hole.

The older man found a brief moment of respite as the stick was removed from his body, but cried out in such utter pain a minute later that his voice went hoarse. Harry, holding Bellatrix's hand, had reversed the stick around, and this time, jammed it back in splintered-side first.

Bella herself screamed, half in shock and half in elation at finally causing the brute pain after enduring years of taunts and degrading treatment from him. The stick was removed again, and she held it with shaking hands, staring at it in shock. Blood dripped from the jagged splinters, leaving tiny droplets on the floor. Harry had gotten up once more, and had lifted Rudolphus up by the scruff of his robes once more and dragged him towards the window. The position was such that Rudolphus was face down as he was dragged, his legs trailing behind uselessly and his shredded hand bouncing on the floor due to the motion. He had passed out, a condition that Harry wished to rectify immediately.

With a heave, he flipped Rudolphus onto his back, and sat him up against the wall right below the windowsill. A wave of the green wand that belonged to the older man, and a muttered "Enervate" caused the man's eyes to jerk open, pain evident in the swimming pools of tears.

Harry grinned cruelly at Rudolphus, and said "Well, Rudolphus, it's time for you to die. I would give a long eulogy, but I don't know you, and I find you disgusting. Bye." With that, he lifted the man up slightly by the collar, and moved his head slightly out of the window. With a sudden heave, he jerked the man up about a foot, and then slammed his head down. There was a crunching sound closely followed by a squishing sound, all that marked the end of Rudolphus Lestrange.

Harry had slammed the back of his head, the most vulnerable part of the skull, and impaled it on the jagged remnants of one of the bars from the summer before his second year. Needless to say, the result had been anything but pretty, involving a lot of blood. Through it all, Harry simply smiled his grim smile, not betraying a single emotion as Rudolphus' lifeblood splattered over his hands and chest.
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