Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Unwanted Attention

Unwanted Attention

by InsertWittyNameHere

Gerard always tried to avoid crying women, he always seems to make things worst. But why was the case different for this one in particular?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres:  - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-07-30 - Updated: 2009-07-31 - 935 words

Gerard Way and the rest of his band mates celebrated another successful show as they clashed their beer cans clumsily together. Downing the rest of his beer Gerard laughed along with his mates, his worries and fears forgotten.

Soon everyone left one by one, heading out back to the bus to rest before the show tomorrow. Gerard once again, was the last to leave. The crisp air pinched his cheeks, turning them rosy as he crossed the large car park, he was almost ready to collapse. Gerard was disappointed to say the least. He had sobered up faster than usual. Whoever finished the beer must have a death wish, he thought angrily.

Clenching his numb fists he picked up his pace, looking forward to his soft bunk. He needed to save his energy so he could give the fans a good show the next night. He stopped abruptly upon hearing small sobs. Stuffing his hands deep into his pockets he glanced around nervously. Gerard could never handle situations when women cry. He always managed to say the wrong thing, which ended up with more tears.

He spotted a small petite frame sitting on the curb, her head in hands. Gathering his nerve Gerard slowly made his way over to the women. He would surely muck this up as per usual. He bit his lip as he crouched down beside her. He sighed silently for she was still unaware of his presence. He let his hand hover slightly above her back, debating whether comforting her was the best idea. He made his decision and let his palm drop onto the young woman’s shoulder gently.

The woman’s head turned in shock towards the stranger. Gerard breath hitched in his throat as she stared at him with piercing blue eyes, tears cascading from them. A sudden urge to hold her in his arms and comfort her swept over him. He swallowed loudly and pushed this thought out of his mind. He tried to find some words, in hope of stringing a sentence together.

“A-are you O-okay?” He stuttered before clearing his throat.

Reality quickly hit the mysterious woman as she realised her position. Roughly dragging her sleeve across her eyes to dry her tears she smiled sheepishly at her idol.

“Yeah, I’m f-fine” She said softly, playing with the hem of her hoody. He must think I’m pathetic, she thought angrily. All these years of hoping to meet him and make an impression had gone down the drain. She sighed heavily, her cheeks turning red from embarrassment.

“You sure?” Gerard asked, taking a seat beside her. His heart ached for the woman. Something terrible was troubling her and he couldn’t help but wonder what.

She nodded slowly, and let an awkward silence drown both of them. She shifted uncomfortably beside him, unsure as to what to say. Maybe somehow she could redeem herself. Doubtful, she thought.

“I’m Ger-“ he began.
“Gerard Way” she stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “Yeah I know, I was at your show tonight.”
“Oh” Was all he said.
“I’m River” She smiled softly.
Gerard couldn’t help but smile as he heard this. He had never met someone called River before.
“I have come to the conclusion that my parents were either high or drunk when they named me” She laughed softly.

Gerard’s grin grew as she laughed the sound was amazing. It could probably make the crankiest of people crack a smile, no matter who they were.

“So do you need a lift anywhere?” Gerard asked only to regret it instantly, seeing her body freeze visibly beside him. She began to shift uncomfortably as she once again played with the stray ends of her hoody.

“I can make it there on my own” She replied.
“Are you sure, I don’t mind walking you or something.” He smiled sincerely. Gerard didn’t like the thought of leaving a woman like her walk the streets alone at this hour.

“No I’m fine,” She said quickly before getting up. Gerard mirrored her action and stood beside her.
“I’ll probably see you around, I’m heading to your show tomorrow at the next town” she said shyly.
Gerard smiled at the thought, he quickly made a decision.
“I’ll get you a backstage pass so you can come back and say Hi.” He spoke.
“Really?” She asked softly; astonished she hadn’t already angered the man with her petty crying.
“Yeah, it will be great.” He smiled. “What’s your last name?”
“Styles” She answered.
“Just tell the guy your name when you hand over your ticket, and he’ll give you the pass”
“Thanks” She smiled before giving an awkward wave. Gerard laughed lightly before pulling her into a friendly hug. He breathed in her smell, as it filled his nostrils. Her scent was comforting and intoxicating all at once.

River hugged the man back, blood rushing to her cheeks. He smelled of aftershave and cigarettes and a hint of beer, this made her slightly uncomfortable. Gerard sensed this a let her go smiling down at her.

“See you tomorrow” He smiled before turning around and heading towards the bus.
“Tomorrow” She breathed.

She began her journey home, dreading what was awaiting her. But she couldn’t contain her excitement; she would finally meet the whole band that had helped her through so much. She only hoped nothing serious would happen tonight which could prevent this from happening. She could only hope.

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