Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Princess

The Silence Before The Storm

by CyanideChild_

Connor reveals half of the plan, and Georgie and Bert share a tender moment

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-10-24 - Updated: 2009-10-24 - 625 words - Complete

This is only a short shitty little chapter to lead up to the next bit. i tried it without it, and it didnt work. I may post the next bit tonight....but yknow. i might not :PP

'Okay. So you know the plan?' Connor said quickly, listening for any footsteps, or anything that might indicate that people or vampires were coming.
'Yeah. Give him the crank letter. Got it. Then he'll be so suicidal that he'll come looking for Bertie himself. Got it.' Since the first time William had made his fatal apperence in the street - his good looks and well kept apperance had deterioated some what. Sprawled in his cell, his hair dirty and matted, stinking of - well, whatever it was, William Beckett seemed defeated. But the plan Bert, William and Connor had hatched... well lets just say William might make a come back.

Yet again i was in my room. I hardly let it these days. Today was the day of Williams demise. Well. His second demise. It gave me some strange kind of pleasure that he'd never come back. He'd pay, for what he'd done to Frankie, and to Mikey. He'd pay for what he'd done to me. I was scared at the thoughts running through my head, starng in the mirror at what i'd become, was a surreal expieriance. My long brown curly hair was gone. In its place was a short, black straight hairstyle, which i'd coverted when i was younger but never had. My tanned skin had a pale cast, and my eyes, usualy open and brown, had dark shadows beneath them, and a evil glint if you looked close enough. All in all, i wasnt looking my most attractive. Urghh.
'What are you thinking?' Bert asked softly, entering from...well from somewhere. I didnt know how he kept sneaking up on me.
'Changes.' I replied sadly, He sat down next to me. His reflection didnt show in the mirror. I dont know why, but that made me kinda sad.
'Changes can be good sometimes.' He said resting his hand on top of mine.
'And in other cases, not so much.' I replied, thinking of Frankie and Mikey. Bert sighed. I guess he knew what i was thinking.
'Im sorry it had to be you. Im sorry that vampires only love one person. Im sorry that person had to be you. Im sorrry for the shit i've caused in order to get to you. Im even sorry for what William did to your friends. But i had to make you mine. One way or another.' That was the most human seech i'd ever heard Bert make. Despite the fact i wantd to burst into the way or gonna find ya. im gunna getcha getcha getcha....
'Why me though??' I asked helplessly. It wasnt like, i hadnt grown any goddamned feelings for him, because i had. Shaking my head, i tried to turn away from him, but he was still there, his solid arms wrapped around me. He kissed me head sweetly. I wanted to tell him, how i felt, what this whole thing was doing to me. But i knew i couldnt when i felt his tears dripping on my head.
'The hanging's in a minute. I dont know about you but i dont wanna miss it.' Bert stood, not showing his face, breaking the tender moment. I grinned. I dont know what it is about him but, he sure knows how to bring out my bad side.
'Lets go.' i smirked. Giving the mirror one last glance before i follwed him through the door.
I didnt notice the face that wasnt mine.
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