Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Never Let Them Hurt You

This ain't a Fairy Tale, Baby

by stake_my_heart

Something happens to Claire...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [X] [Y] - Published: 2009-11-05 - Updated: 2009-11-06 - 1226 words

When I woke up that night I walked down the stairs to find Mikey sitting on the couch. Mikey was 18, like Claire, making me 21. I sighed. 21... And I'd always be this age... Mikey wore glasses and his brown hair was always straightened. He was very kid-like, for an 18 year old. Me? I had shoulder length black hair, hazel eyes, the palest skin anyone's ever seen (vampire and human), and I was known to get my way with my looks. Apparently I was like a god to the girls. But I never cared about them. The only girl I cared about was my girl, my Claire. Claire... I sighed and took a seat next to Mikey, who was busy texting away as usual.

"Mikes, put that thing away, do you even realize how much money I spend on your bill?" Mikey looked up from his sidekick and smiled.

"I'm sure it's a lot of money." he smirked and I snatched the phone away from him. "Give it back, Gee!" he whined, and I held the phone up in the air.

"Who ya texting Mikey? Oooohh, you're texting your girlfriend? Ahh, trying to get her to come over here so you can do a little play in the bedroom, huh?" I teased. Mikey's cheeks got red and his voice got high.

"No!" he jumped on me and tried getting the phone. I chuckled.

"Mikey, now you're trying to get me in that bedroom?! I don't roll that way, bro, but I know a shitload about sex." I wiggled my eyebrows at him and his face got redder. I pushed him off me and gave him back his phone, grabbing my jacket. "Mikey, I'm gonna go see Claire. Text me if you need any help getting her on the bed." I winked and flew off to Claire's house. I wasn't sure if she wanted me there or not, but I still had to see her. I hated being away from her. Being away from Claire is like telling an alcoholic to stop drinking. It was basically impossible. I knocked on her window and spoke through the glass.

"Claire... It's me, Gerard. Do you want me to come in?" I asked her, my eyebrows pulling together. She opened the curtains and pressed her forehead to the glass, sighing. "Do you want me?" I asked this time, the question changed a little. She looked up into my eyes and removed her hand from her neck. I looked down and saw that there was a new set of fang marks. My eyes went wide and I opened up the window, taking her in my arms. "Clairebear!" I cried in alarm, holding her tight.

"Gee... I don't feel good..." she groaned. I looked into her eyes, their spark gone. She trembled in my arms and I knew instantly what was happening. My head fell back and I sent a silent prayer to God, asking him that she not turn into one of my kind. She was gasping for air now, and I knew that I had come too late. I let go of her and she rolled on the floor, clutching her sides and screaming in agony. Her back arched as more pain shot through her, and I knelt down next to her. Tears flooded my eyes as I saw her screaming and crying and pleading for the pain to stop. "Gerard! Make it stop! Please! Owwww!" she cried, her eyes shut tightly.

"The only thing I can do is bite you! I can't make it go away! I'm so sorry that this had to happen to you...." I hung my head ashamed. She screamed again and her nails clawed at the carpet. My heart was breaking into a million tiny pieces as I watched her life fade away. "Claire, who bit you?" I asked suddenly. This was important to know.

"A-A guy did! H-He was emo! A-And he... Bit me! GEE!!!" she screamed and I brought her up to my lap quickly. I brought my lips to her neck and bit her, injecting my venom into her. When a vampire bites you, you instantly become theirs. I was the last vampire to bite her, and I'm sure that I had the most venom. So she'd become mine. Forever. She screamed again and I pulled away, watching her scream and wretch in unbearable pain. She probably thought that she's dying... I thought to myself, my lips a straight line. "Gee! D-Don't let me go! I don't wanna go!" she cried. I kissed her forehead and backed away from her as her heart beat rapidly increased. "You can't let me die!" Claire screamed, her voice fading. This was it... I lowered my head, unable to watch. But something in my mind made me keep my eyes on her, because something in my mind told me that tonight would be different than the rest.

Her skin turned pale white, her eyes were wide open. I watched as her blue eyes turned even icier than before, and her lips grew slightly in size. Her skin had no imperfections and her torso lifted up before slamming back down against the carpet. She gave out a great and ear-peircing cry as her body was lifted up in the air. I stared in disbelief. There was nothing like this in a regular Change. I watched as her teeth grew four sharp fangs and her screams became more clearer. I chewed on my bottom lip as her clothes were ripped apart by her nails and ignored the fact that I was getting totally hard from watching her naked in the air. She gasped for air and her heartbeat was slowing down, nearing the end of the Change. "Gerard..." she sighed as she fell down and I caught her. I kissed her hard, catching her off gaurd, and she suddenly realized that I could kiss her like she did. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I set her down, pushing her body against mine. My tongue begged for entrance and she let it enter, doing the same thing. I moaned softly as she pressed in more on my erection. I was humming with anticipation to see what her next move would be, and that was satisfied when she unbuttoned and pulled my pants down. She pulled down my boxers and rubbed my hard with a soft hand. I moaned again and my head fell back as she rubbed me more and harder. I backed up to the bed and fell back onto it, with her on top. I moaned at the feel of her body on mine and unbuttoned my shirt, throwing it on the floor. She rubbed me more and I flipped us over, so I was on top. I delved my finger in and out of her entrance and she moaned for the first time. I finally broke through her wall and took out my finger, sensing blood flow. I grabbed tissues and got the blood off my finger and the blood that was coming out from between her legs. I trashed those and smiled. She was gonna be mine... I settled back on top of her and pushed inside of her slowly, her eyes squeezed shut.

"This is gonna hurt... Welcome my love, to becoming a vampire... Enjoy everything..." I whispered as I plunged into her.
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