Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Stockholm Syndrome


by whoah-that

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-07-10 - Updated: 2010-07-11 - 818 words - Complete

Paulina James used to have friends. Well…a friend. Her name was Laura, and she liked to talk. A lot. Laura could talk anyone to death. Then again, if it weren’t for her talking, they wouldn’t have become friends.

When Paulina was in third grade, she was very quiet. She didn’t like talking, because she didn’t want people not to like her. Little did she know, Paulina’s lack of socialization worked against her cause, and she became an outcast at the age of eight. Laura moved into town, and she seemed very quiet, as well. Paulina befriended her, and it was a match made in Heaven, as they say. Laura, as it turned out, was not quiet at all. In fact, she talked enough for the both of them, and Paulina liked that. All she had to do was listen, and all Laura had to do was talk. They were best friends, and she was all Paulina needed.

But, somewhere along the line, Laura realized that Paulina was not all she needed. No one besides her liked the strange girl very much, and by extension, because she hung out with her, no one really liked Laura. Once high school started, she dropped her childhood friend.

So now, four years later, Paulina was still alone. That was fine with her, though. She’d never really needed people to get by. It was all a matter of situation. Paulina couldn’t help that she looked and acted weird, and they couldn’t help that they were shallow. Paulina enjoyed being alone. She even walked home to avoid the bustle and crowd of being on the bus.

While walking, she thought about how she must have looked to passerby. A short, thin, very pale girl with black hair and light gray eyes. She was sure that she was quite a ghastly sight to anyone who cared to look, which, Paulina reasoned, probably wasn’t very many people. On an average day, perhaps…one or two people would care to speak to her.

There was, however, something odd today. Usually, when Paulina walked home, the sidewalk was deserted, save for the occasional house-wife walking the family dog. Today, though, there was a large van, and outside that van was a man. He was pretty short, but taller than Paulina. Black hair, light eyes, and tattoos. Lots of tattoos. All up and down his arms, and something on his neck that Paulina couldn’t quite make out. He was holding an unlit cigarette and smirked as she get closer.

“Do you have a light?” he asked her, holding up the cigarette. Paulina looked at him for a moment, trying to gauge whether or not to trust him. She glanced around at the sidewalk, where a very tall man with a large, red afro was walking, busy on a cell-phone. If needed, he could easily overpower the little man in front of her. She finally nodded, reaching into her book bag for a matchbox. Once she got it out, she lifted a match out, holding it delicately between her fingertips, and striking it against the sandpaper. Paulina held out the flame to where the man’s cigarette was held loosely between his lips, lighting it and watching the tip glow bright red.

“Thanks.” He smiled again, blowing a long stream of smoke out the side of his mouth, winking at Paulina. He reached out towards her, making the young girl jump. He placed his hand lightly on her shoulder, keeping it there for only a moment before letting go. Paulina relaxed, nodding and walking away. “Oh, miss,” the man called, causing her to turn around once more.


The man smiled, flicking his un-smoked cigarette to the ground and grinding it out with his shoe. “Have a lovely day.”

Before Paulina could thank him, she felt the presence of a very tall, very strong man behind her, reaching around and grabbing her by the waist with one hand. The other was pressing firmly into her mouth, where a damp, white cloth was resting in the palm. Paulina gasped, and that one intake of breath carried the scent of chloroform to her brain, knocking her out before she could really register what was going on. The world went black for Paulina James.

So, for those of you who've read my other stuff, I know. I shouldn't be starting another story when I already have quite a few other active stories that need to be worked on. But I thought of this and couldn't pass it up. I have a very clear idea of where this is going, and it's going to be quite dark. If you don't know what it means, look up the definition of Stockholm Syndrome. This is the prologue, so stay tuned for the first chapter, which I'll post shortly. Go comment, rate, and subscribe, please. OverAndOutxx
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