Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Faring Well

Chapter 14

by whoah-that

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-02-20 - Updated: 2011-02-21 - 1734 words

The first thing Gerard felt was the warm metal of the hoop in Frank’s lip. He slid his tongue over the hard surface, hearing it click against Frank’s teeth. They both smiled without breaking contact. Frank slid the hand that wasn’t holding Gerard’s chin around to the back of the other boy’s head, entwining his fingers in his shaggy black hair. Gerard did the same with one hand, while the other went to Frank’s waist, pulling him closer on the bench they shared. Their knees bumped, sending fingers of electricity scuttling up and down Gerard’s spine, making him gasp into Frank’s mouth. Frank chuckled and pressed his lips closer to Gerard’s, slipping his tongue into the other boy’s mouth.

People walked by; they stared; they made faces; they whispered disgusting words. The two boys took no notice. Gerard didn’t hear; Frank heard, but he didn‘t care. He’d heard it before. He copied Gerard and wrapped his arms around the other teen’s torso, pulling him close so their chests touched.

Finally, they pulled out of the kiss. They both leaned forward so that their foreheads were touching. They were breathing heavily, panting, even, both smiling and blushing. Frank grabbed Gerard’s hands in his own, slipping his fingers between the other boy’s and pressing their palms together.

“That was nice,” Gerard breathed, smiling and looking down at the hands that hung between them, connecting the two.

“Yeah,” Frank murmured, leaning forward a bit more so that the tip of his nose brushed Gerard’s, making them both tingle and smile.

Then, as suddenly as it had started racing when Frank kissed him, Gerard’s heart seemed to stop. He wrenched his hands out of Frank’s, his knuckles cracking as Frank pulled his fingers, trying to hold on. He placed his hands on the other’s chest and pushed him away, sliding himself to the end of the bench and staring with his mouth agape at the boy that had just kissed him. That he had just kissed.

Frank fell back when Gerard pushed him, but braced his arms behind himself and caught the fall. He sat back up on the bench, looking hurt, not physically, but emotionally. He knew why Gerard had pushed him away, and was almost angry at himself for not expecting it. He thought Gerard reciprocated his feelings.

“Why did you do that?” Gerard whispered, his eyes wide and his jaw slack. He brought his knees up to his chest, as though to protect himself, and wrapped his arms around his shins.

“Why did you?” Frank fired back, turning hostile from his hurt feelings.

“I--I didn’t,” Gerard answered meekly, leaning his head down so his chin rested atop his knees.

“Really? Because I seem to remember you saying ‘That was nice,’ not five minutes ago.” Frank crossed his arms sourly. He was clicking his lip ring against his teeth again, but it seemed to be agitation that fueled it this time, as opposed to nerves…well, maybe a few nerves, but Gerard didn’t know that…

“I--” Gerard didn’t know what to say. Yes, it had been nice, but…but he wasn’t supposed to kiss other guys. He wasn’t a homophobe or anything, but that didn’t mean he wanted to be gay… “I’m not gay,” Gerard said.

“Do you like girls?” Frank asked bluntly.

“Well, of course,” Gerard snapped, shooting a glance at Mikey to see if he’d noticed his big brother kissing another boy. Mikey, however, was off in his own little world on the swings; he hadn’t noticed a thing going on on the bench.

“Tell me one girl you think is hot. Go,” Frank said.

“Uhh…Megan Fox,” Gerard answered quickly. That was a bold-faced lie. He couldn’t think of anyone else, though. His mind was blanking on any girls that he’d even found mildly attractive since…since as long as he could remember. Sure, there were girls he knew were pretty, but…he wasn’t attracted to them…

“You’re lying,” Frank said dismissively. “Nobody actually thinks she’s hot. Someone at school. Anyone. Just don’t lie.”

“Harper.” Why did he keep lying? Why did he find it necessary to lie?

“Lying again, Gerard. If you’re going to lie to my face, at least make it convincing.” Frank was frowning, his shoulders were hunched, and his cheeks were flushed; he was angry. Gerard’s stomach churned. He didn’t want Frank to be angry, especially not at him.

“I’m not--”

“You are! Listen, if you don’t like me, then just say so, but don’t lie to me.”

“I do like you! I just don’t like you like…”

“Like what, Gerard? Don’t like me like what?” Frank’s eyebrows shot up, disappearing into his hair, an impatient expression etched across his brow.

“I’m not gay!” Gerard yelled. He planted his feet on the ground, finally angry. Why was Frank getting angry at him? He hadn’t done anything! He wasn’t gay, he wasn’t leading him on, he was just being friendly. It wasn’t his fault that Frank had misinterpreted that.

“If you’re not gay, then why did you kiss me?” Frank lowered one eyebrow, but kept the other raised in a cocky fashion, a smirk dancing on his lips.

“I--You kissed me!” Gerard’s anger was making it hard to think straight, and he was getting flustered.

“You kissed back,” Frank informed him.

“It was a reflex. I just kiss back when someone kisses me,” Gerard said, jutting out his lower lip and looking away.

“Really, now? Because I don’t think you’ve ever kissed anyone before in your life.” Frank winked again, and at a very inopportune moment, Gerard noticed bitterly. He still thought it was cute. Damn.

“I have! I so have! I just--it’s--I--” Okay, maybe he hadn’t. But whose business was that? Certainly not Frank’s. “You know, this is a really shitty way of empathizing with the fact that I just poured out my whole life story to you. I barely know you. I don’t know why I told you anything.”

“You told me because you have feelings for me, Gerard.” Frank’s voice was suddenly gentler. “I knew it from the second we met. I spilled my drink on you, but you were the one tripping and stuttering and spitting over your words. Just admit it. You can see that I feel the same way,” Frank cooed, taking a chance to scoot closer to the other boy and rest a hand on his knee. Gerard flinched, but didn’t push him away.

He sighed resignedly. “I…know,” he said. “I know. I know.” He knew. He did know. “But…” But what?” “But Mikey--”

“Gerard,” Frank said firmly, his hand tightening around the teen’s leg. “Don’t think about Mikey right now. This has nothing to do with Mikey.”

“Everything in my life is about Mikey, Frank. That’s just how it is. Don’t you think Mikey might get teased for having a gay older brother? What do you think kids will say when it gets out that his big brother likes boys? I know for a fact that Bryar has a sister in Mikey’s class. You think he would hesitate for a second to tell her so that she can give him hell while he’s giving me hell?”

“Gerard, little kids don’t even know what ‘gay’ is.” Frank put his hand on Gerard’s cheek and made him face him, staring imploringly into his eyes. “And even when they do…Look, Mikey is seven years old. He’s lanky; he wears glasses; he has asthma; he reads comic books. He’s going to get made fun of, regardless. Were you made fun of when you were a kid?”

“Yeah,” Gerard said, remembering his chunkier days. “I was. A lot.”

“Are you still?”

“…No, I guess not. No.”

“Exactly,” Frank said, nodding and smiling, as though to entice Gerard into his way of thinking. “You got made fun of for a while, then everyone got too wrapped up in their own lives to care whether or not you’re weird, or hang out with strange people, or are gay. People get over it. Mikey will get over it. You have to get over it.”

“This is very sudden,” Gerard said. His heart was beating again, but quickly, too quickly, so quickly that he was having trouble breathing. He felt like Mikey that time Gerard forgot to fill the boy’s asthma prescription. Frank slipped his hand into Gerard’s.

“We can take this slow,” he murmured, stroking the back of the other boy’s hand with his thumb gently, soothingly, as though to slow the racing heart. It just made Gerard’s poor heart pick up the pace further, catching in his chest.

“We can?” Gerard said, looking into the other boy’s eyes. His big, beautiful, almost-green eyes…So kind, so fragile, so strong… “Really?”

“Really,” Frank said, before capturing his lips in another kiss.

I...think this was a relatively quick update? Compared to the other updates I've been shoveling out lately, I'd say this was damn quick. What do you think? I didn't want Gerard to just jump right in to the idea of being gay, because that seems like something that would be difficult to deal with, but I didn't want him to just completely reject Frank, either. So they're taking it slow. Are we happy? He liked, then he freaked, then he liked again. Everyone okay with that? Was it worth the cliffhanger? I hope so, because this is what ya got. Okay. So...Go comment--Oh, wait, I forgot to mention: tomorrow's my 17th birthday. Yep, as of...three hours from now, I will be able to get into R-rated movies. I also get my license tomorrow...And I have rehearsal...woooh...So yeah. Just figured I'd let ya know. So...for my birthday, I want this chapter to get a whole buncha comments, just to make it a great birthday (because it's already shitty, and it's not even here yet), that would be awesome. Okay. So...Go comment and subscribe. Thanks. OverAndOutxx
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