Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Seven


by superman-sidekick

FRERARD. Gerard teaches our Catholic boy Frank a few little lessons...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [X] [R] - Published: 2011-05-10 - Updated: 2011-05-11 - 1014 words - Complete

My footsteps squelched a little as I walked down the tiled floor of the college corridor, pulling down my black hood that had failed in shielding me from the rain. I closed my eyes. The sharp, tangy stench of disinfectant quickly wafted up my nostrils and blinded my senses for a moment, causing my eyelids to flicker open again and a small grunt to emit from my lips. I carried my slightly soggy guitar case in one hand, my old, black messenger bag in the other, filled with books that hadn’t left the small sanctuary all summer. I sighed and continued walking until I got to my locker. After kicking the dented metal the usual two times, it swung open, the dark cavern just enough space for both items I was carrying. I shoved them both inside, along with my hoodie, deciding that I’d rather face the arctic temperature of the college building than any disease bound to loom over me if I kept that on for much longer.

‘Hey man!’ I heard the chirpy tone of someone behind me and the light, galloping footsteps told me exactly who it was. The confirmation was made when I was greeted with a mess of brown curls, the face of Ray Toro beaming right back at me. I grinned back and waved a hand up, greeting him with our usual high five. I had seen him and the others plenty over the summer but it was just what I needed to get by at this place. So the college isn’t great. It’s a miserable, uninspiring, unmotivating, uninteresting type of building, but inside you couldn’t meet anyone better than the friends I have. As an early teenager, I moved around schools a lot because of bullies, and this place was the last one I wanted to try. From the moment I saw the grey slab standing tall in front of me, I was set on leaving. And for the first week or two, my predictions were correct. There were bullies, nicknames about my height and clothing were passed around as soon as I stepped in the room. But then, on one lonely, wet day like today when I was sat in a music room, I met the very man walking down the corridor with me. He heard me playing my guitar and came in to watch, and the two of us hit it off instantly. From that point, I was introduced to Bob, Zacky and Johnny and the rest is really history.

After catching up with Ray about his summer, we walked off to our cosy form room to find the others. I tell you, the only place worth staying in this building is our room, it’s the only place with a working radiator. It’s naturally warm place anyway as everyone comes in here now Brendan and a few of the other computer whizzes fixed the coffee machine in here. It’s been set to be thrown out for years now and our room was the dumping ground for it, until one day B’den finally got a cup that wasn’t empty, too cold or green. Whether it’s still safe to drink is something I’ll question when I leave here though. I smiled and walked in the form room, a fresh stack of time tables for each student on the desk for us to pick up for the new year. I grabbed mine on my bee line for the coffee machine, banging the side with my fist whilst it whirred and glugged into life, a stream of black liquid firing into the white cup below. After about eight packets of sugar so the substance stopped tasting like ass, I was ready for my poison and sipped happily while looking over my time table.

Nothing really stood out to me apart from art every other day with a Mr ‘G Way’ until I saw the sign for music. I beamed widely as I noted down mentally which days I had it, smiling away. Music had to be one of my favourite subjects, it’s one of the only ones where I can just let myself go. When I play guitar, all my worries are set free, I can’t think about anything else apart from the colours and images being created in those notes. The smooth wood of the instrument, the metal strings and trusty pick are all I need to be happy that day. We have a legendary teacher as well. Brian Haner, the man who showed me what it is to be a real guitarist. The way he plays, he’s just.. A real artist. Like this ‘G Way’ person too I suppose.
I’ve said music is my thing yeah? Art... Not so much. I mean, I can draw, not brilliantly but a little. When it was compulsory, I just sketched up guitars and designs to put on them, no one really had a problem and my creative horizon has just opened up dramatically. That’s partly why I took it. I wasn’t sure what else to pick and I thought with some help, I could really nail my designs and help get some ready for university. I feel a lot more confident with myself because of subjects like this and hopefully Mr Way will give me the help I need.

I suppose this college has been helpful to me in a way. It’s not attractive, but the people inside really are something else. Before I came, I was nervous about what people would think of me. I didn’t wear my cross for a full two weeks here after making the mistake of doing so on my first day. But over the year here, I’ve learned that certain people will accept me as long as I know how to accept myself. I have no problem in showing my faith now, Catholicism is still a part of my life and I want to keep it that way.

Mr ‘G Way’ changed everything.
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