Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Almost

(42) On My Own

by XxPerfectTomorrowxX

Kacy finds that her nightmare isn't over just yet.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-10-18 - Updated: 2011-10-19 - 904 words - Complete

Brendon groaned and rolled over, placing his hands on Kacy to stop her from lashing out at him again. "Kacy, wake up!" Brendon yelled, shaking her.

Kacy whimpered, causing Brendon to let go immediately. He was worried he had hurt her in some way. "Kacy?" He asked, waiting for a response.

The response wasn't what he wanted. He cried out in pain as Kacy's knee lifted and slammed in between his legs. "Fuck..." Brendon whispered, eyes widening in pain. "God, Kacy... Is this payback for me suggesting something sexual before bed? I was only joking." He muttered. "Well trying... Well damn it. Can you really blame me? I wasn't suggesting sex! Just something sexual!"

Kacy's eyes blinked in confusion and she stared at Brendon as if he were an idiot, "What are you going on about?" She asked, having only caught part of his rant.

"I'm never asking you for a sexual favor again." Brendon mumbled, annoyed. He was still cupping his sensitive area that had just been injured.

"Okay?" Kacy asked, yawning. "Ow. My knee kind of hurts."

"Fucking seriously?" Brendon asked, groaning. "I'm sorry that my balls hurt your knee."

"Oh shit. I'm sorry Brendon." Kacy said, but she couldn't help it as giggles made there way out of her mouth. The facial expression he currently had plastered to his face was priceless.

"Yeah, I love you too." Brendon grumbled.

Kacy smiled and gently ran her fingers through his hair, "I do love you." she said, biting her lip.

"So care to tell me what your nightmare was about?" Brendon asked. He had been trying to wake Kacy up previously because she was lashing around in bed, crying out as if she were in physical pain.

"Nightmare?" Kacy asked, confused. "I didn't have a nightmare. Or I don't remember having one." She said.

Brendon nodded, biting his lip. "Is there something bothering you?"

Kacy shook her head but wouldn't maintain eye contact with him.

Brendon sighed, aware of the fact that Kacy was hiding something from him. "Well let me know when you decide that I can know what it is that's bothering you."

Kacy sighed. Brendon could read her so well. As she snuggled in to his arms she thought of the text message she had recieved. Who had sent it? She thought of being hospitalized and shuddered at the idea of someone wanting to hurt her more.


(Kacy's POV)

The next morning I almost didn't go to school. My alarm woke me up an hour late and as Brendon woke up with me he tried to pull me close to him, desperately attempting to convince me that playing hooky would be better than going to school.

I had to go though. School was almost over.

As I walked down the empty hallway I shuddered, feeling as if someone was watching me. Once I reached my locker I looked around, finding that no one was visible. What was wrong with me?

A couple of notes fell from my locker and I bent down to pick them up. They were crumpled up and it took me a few minutes to straighten them out. I shouldn't have bothered...

-Next time you won't wake up.- The same threat written on paper.

-Brendon would be better off without you.-

-Brendon deserves better than a slut like you.-

The words were disturbing but what really disturbed me was that each note had different handwriting. How many people in this school hated me?

Or rather, how many people hated that I was with Brendon?

I shoved the notes back in to my locker and grabbed my books so that I could go to class. I couldn't let them get to me. I was terrified though. What if they did decide to act on their anger? That hadn't turned out so well for me last time...

The urge to run home to Brendon filled me but I had to refuse. I couldn't run to Brendon with all of my problems. I could handle this by myself.


"Are you okay?" Lisa asked, shaking me from my own troubled thoughts. "You've been quiet all day."

I shrugged, "I didn't sleep well last night." I lied.

"Oh." Lisa said, knowing that I was hiding something.

The bell rang, signifying that lunch was over. Lisa stood, "Coming?" She asked. I hadn't made a move.

"I- I'll be there soon." I told her, not wanting to enter the school again.

Lisa nodded, "See you in class." She pulled out her cell phone and texted Brendon as she walked away from me. -I'm worried about Kacy. Somethings wrong.- She quickly texted.

"Looks likes it's time I fulfill my promise to you whore." A voice snapped me from my thoughts.

I didn't have time to look up and see who it was because I felt my face being forced down on to the picnic table. "You'll regret what you've done to him." What the hell were they talking about? "Stealing him from the people that truly love him."


(yeah, I'm written fan girls in Kacy's school to be psychotic... They had to pop back up though since justice was never served. The school didn't have camera's that were on (for cost) and since Kacy couldn't remember a thing they got away with the entire thing... More will be explained. :D Just another loose end I have to tie up for everyone.)
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