Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Brand New Life

Harry Potter and the Brand New Life

by darkreaderjc

Harry Potter and Cho Chang die in The Battle of Hogwarts. They thought that this was the end for them and for the people of the world. However Death and Fate had other plans for them. Harry/Cho/Harem!

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Cho,Ginny,Harry,Hermione - Published: 2012-06-15 - Updated: 2012-06-16 - 8678 words

Summary: Harry Potter and Cho Chang die in The Battle of Hogwarts. They thought that this was the end for them and for the people of the world. However Death and Fate had other plans for them. Harry/Cho/Harem!

Authors Note: I see so many stories with Harry/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, Harry/Daphne, Harry/others, and Harry/Multi but you don't see many Harry/Cho or you don't see her in Harry's harem! I mean, what's wrong with her? You don't need to answer the question. I read many stories from single pairing to harem but barely see any Cho Chang in the mix! So I decided to make story that includes her! Plus this story is a time travel!

Warning: Some of the things from this story won't match up with the books or the movies. I've made changes to some things to make the story work better. So don't be surprised that some of the facts from this story don't match canon. If you don't like it then too bad! This is a fanfiction story!

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter characters are not mine. If they were I would have paired Harry with Cho or Hermione or both of them. ;)

I don't hate Ginny, I just like Cho and Hermione better. :)

Chapter Uno (One)!


Cho glanced up from her fight for a second at the sound of her name being shouted. Her eyes widened in shock at the sight of He Who Must Not Be Named pointing his wand at her. She froze as the evil wizard smiled cruelly at her, and almost lazily said "Avada Kedavra" Cho froze in horror as the bright green of the Killing Curse sped towards her, she wanted to move, to cry out, to do anything, but she couldn't do anything but watch her death rushing toward her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw something moving toward her but couldn't turn her head, she grunted as she felt someone hit her to move her out of the way of the curse, but didn't realize who had taken the curse for her at first.

She gasped when she saw the body lying on the ground, his black hair just as messy as always, but there was a look of peace in the bright green eyes she had never seen before. "Harry?" she whispered, but the young wizard didn't answer. Realizing he had given his life for her, Cho took a firmer grasp of her wand and raised it, pointing it at the laughing figure who had tried to kill her.

"Bombardia!" Cho shouted, but the explosive hex had no effect on the wizard's shields and she started to move away to find some cover but it was no use, he cast again, and this time the green light found it's target, and the beautiful Chinese girl crumpled to the ground, her outstretched hand resting on Harry's chest.

Ginny Weasley looked up from the corpse of Lucius Malfoy, smiling with grim satisfaction at the death of the man who had made her first year at Hogwarts a nightmare. She heard Voldemort laughing as the killing curse took Harry, and her smile dropped. She wanted to cry but forced it down roughly, 'Grieve later girl! We've still got a battle to win!' Turning her wand toward Voldemort, she shouted, pulling everyone's attention to her, "For Harry!"

The other defenders steeled themselves and started casting again, but it was too late. With the death of Harry James Potter, the war was finally, irrevocably lost.


Harry groaned as consciousness returned. Opening his eyes, he winced at the bright light shining down. Shading his eyes, he opened them slightly and allowed them to adjust to the brightness. When he finally got his eyes completely open, he sat up and looked around curiously. 'Is this Heaven?' he wondered, 'I know I'm dead, I felt the curse hit me. I just hope Cho made it.' He frowned, 'I doubt this is Heaven, Paradise wouldn't be this empty.' And it was, for as far as he could see in any direction was a white field, there was nothing to break up the emptiness, so he picked a random direction and started walking. He didn't think he had been walking long when he heard a voice calling his name.

"Hello, Harry Potter!" a voice called from behind him, and Harry whirled around to see who had called him.

He saw a figure that made him take a step backward in fright and fumble for his wand, because it looked like a Dementor! He paused as he realized there was no feeling of cold or despair coming from the figure, instead, it almost seemed, amused? The figure was easily 7 foot tall, and skeletal, Harry could see the bones in the figure's hand that was held out as if to shake. Not knowing what else to do, and figuring if since he was already dead, there wasn't much that could hurt him, he reached out and shook the figure's hand.

"In case you were wondering Harry, I'm Death!"

Harry grinned wryly, "I had actually figured that out, the whole 'Grim Reaper' look tipped me off, to be honest. But I hope you are here to guide me to where I need to be instead of challenging me to a game of chess, because I'm pants at chess!"

Harry was surprised that the figure actually laughed, it wasn't the mocking or cruel laughter he had heard from Voldemort or Snape so many times, it seemed that Death was honestly amused.

When Death got his laughter under control, he spoke again, in a relatively normal voice, "No Harry, I'm not here to play a game of chess with you. You've had enough people playing games with your life already. No, I'm here to get you and one other to ensure you get the information you need, and make you an offer."

"One other?" Harry said, looking around. He groaned as he saw revealed the dead body of Cho Chang. "Damn it! I thought I'd saved her life by taking the curse."

"You did Harry, but unfortunately there was no one there to shove her out of the way of his next curse. Although she went out on her feet and fighting, which is more than most people get. But, she may be dead at the moment, it doesn't have to be permanent."

Walking over to where she was laying, Harry knelt down and took her hand, squeezing it gently. When he felt her squeeze his hand in return he smiled. Speaking softly, he said "It's time to wake up Cho, my beautiful Swan, we still have a lot to do."

Cho struggled to open her eyes, and when she got them used to the light she looked up and saw him smiling at her. Looking him in the eyes, she said sadly, "Just tell me one thing, Harry. Why did you do it?"

Harry gave Cho a sad smile.

"I thought you deserved to live more then me." Harry replied. Cho was shocked, her ex boyfriend said she deserved to live instead of him.

Cho shook her head fiercely, "How can you say that? After everything I did to you, and to the D.A?" Harry shook his head.

"Luna told me what really happened, that it wasn't you who betrayed us, it was your friend Marietta Edgecombe. Umbridge just grabbed you, to make it appear you were our betrayer, because she knew how much I care for you, and that evil bitch wanted to hurt me even more than she wanted to get Dumbledore. I am not sure if you accept my apology but I am sorry for accusing you, Cho." Harry said.

Cho smiled, "I accept your apology Harry," Before Harry could respond Death spoke up to remind them they weren't alone.

"I know you guys want to talk to each other but we have business to take care of." Death spoke. If you could see Death's face you would see he had a smirk. Harry and Cho nodded but Cho is wondering who this person was.

"Who are you, Sir?" Cho asked. Death looked at her and bowed.

"Hello Cho Chang! My name is Death." Death replied. Cho was shocked, more than a little bit scared that Death is in front of her, although she was reassured by Harry standing beside her holding her hand.

"H...Hello Death!" Cho stuttered out. If you had very good hearing, you would hear a chuckle out of Death.

"Relax Cho, you don't have anything to fear from me. No one does, really, unless they manage to get on my bad side, and very few people do that. One of the few I'm really looking forward to getting my scythe on is the one who sent both of you to me, Lord Flight From Death himself will not find me a pleasant conversationalist!

"So, what business do we have to take care of, sir?" Harry asked. He knew something was up.

"Ahh, yes well its complicated to explain, but at the same time it's very simple." Death said. Harry snorted, saying.

"Did you give obscurity lessons to our old Headmaster?" at the same time as Cho asked,

"What are you talking about?"

Death clucked his tongue against his teeth, thinking, "I guess the easiest way to explain it would be to say that both of you are here many years too soon. Both of you, and several others, were supposed to live full lives and come to me when you over 150 years old. Harry and Cho looked at each other curiously, not noticing Death conjuring up a door behind them.

"What do you mean we weren't supposed to die yet?" Harry asked as Death walked past him and opened the door and gestured them both inside. When Harry and Cho walked through the door they saw three people standing in a circle laughing at something. When the door closed, the three turned around and Harry recognized them instantly. With a happy shout he rushed forward,

"MUM…DAD… SIRIUS!" Harry yelled as he ran towards them, Cho following curiously behind. He finally reached them and giving them each a hug.

"Hello son!" Lily and James said, both of them smiling widely.

"Hello Harry!" Sirius said. Harry gave them each a hug but when he finished giving James and Sirius a hug, Harry went back to Lily for another hug. All of them were happy especially Lily as her son hugged her twice. But the smiles dropped as they Harry crying, and Lily felt him shaking in her embrace. Cho tentatively reached out to put her hand on Harry's shoulder, to offer him what comfort she could, and was rewarded by a smile from Lily, before his mother softly asked,

"Honey, why are you crying?" Harry shook his head into his mother's neck. Harry wiped his tears from his eyes with his arm and then spoke.

"It's alright Mum, I'm not crying because I'm sad. I'm crying because I'm happy! After all these years, I finally get to see you and talk to you," he said as he hugged his mother again. Feeling Cho's hand on his shoulder, he looked over at her and smiled. He grinned as he heard his Dad and Sirius catcalling in the background, with occasional shouts of "Mama's Boy!" They shut up very quickly when Lily glared at them though.

Sirius and James looked at each other a little worried when Lily stopped glaring at them and released Harry from the hug and stepped back. She still had her arms on Harry, but there was space between them, and she turned her glare on him. Harry looked up and found Lily's green eyes boring a hole into him, the weight of her disapproval was almost crushing. Confused, he asked, "Mum, why are you glaring at me?" He hadn't been there long enough to do something wrong, but he knew she was unhappy with him.

"Why am I glaring at you? You really want to know? I'll tell you why, Harry! I'm glaring at you because I'm extremely angry at how irresponsible you were with Ginny Weasley! You two were way too young to even think about having a baby. For Merlin's sake, you hadn't even graduated, and the two of you were having unprotected sex every chance you got!" Lily started out talking quietly but was yelling at full volume by the time she finished. Harry flinched at her obvious disapproval, realizing what she was talking about. He was also concerned with how Cho would react, since they were here together and Ginny was still alive.

Harry made the mistake of glancing over Lily's shoulder at Sirius and James who were trying to look appropriately severe and disappointed. But the effect was ruined by the two of them winking at him and giving him the thumbs up sign. He had to bite the inside of his lip to keep from smiling, because he knew that would just set his mum off again.

"I don't know what you mean, mum," Harry said, hoping she would believe his innocent act.

"Don't play dumb with me, Harry! You and Ginny are still teenagers! What made the two of you think it was a good idea to try and have a baby?" Lily barked.

Harry cursed mentally 'Oh Shite! She knows!' He had no idea what to say to his furious mother, especially since he and Ginny had been actively trying to get her pregnant every chance they had.

Cho had listened to Lily and, while she agreed that they were too young to have children, decided to try and defuse the tension a little bit.

"Harry? Why is your mom so upset? I understand that you were too young to really take care of a baby, but we were at war, it's actually not unusual that couples go farther than they would normally."

Lily paused to take a breath, before speaking in a slightly calmer tone. "Cho, the thing that gets me so upset is not that Harry and Ginny were having sex, Harry's father and I were in school as the first war was heating up, and there were nights we didn't spend in our own beds, but what does bother me, a lot, is that they weren't taking any precautions at all. Did you stop to think about what a baby would do to Ginny? She hadn't even taken her OWLs, if she had gotten pregnant she would have had to leave school, and without her OWLs, she would have been nothing more than a housewife for the rest of her life! Did you think about that, or" she sneered, "were you too anxious to get a willing shag you didn't care?"

Sirius and James had been grinning about Harry's active sex life, although Sirius, if he were honest, was surprised it wasn't Hermione that Harry was getting naked with, but the grins dropped as they considered what Lily was saying. They realized she was correct, and it would have been very foolish to bring a baby into their lives right then.

Harry started getting angry, he hadn't seen his mother since he was a baby himself, and now she was lecturing him on proper behavior? "Hold it! You weren't there, you don't know why Ginny and I made the decision we did! How dare you lecture me like you are that goat buggering Headbastard we buried a year ago?"

Taking a breath and struggling to get his temper under control, he continued in a calmer voice, "Look Mum, Ginny and I did talk about your concerns, but we love each other, and we'd agreed, if she got pregnant before taking her OWLs, we would take some of the money in my vault and hire tutors for her to get her through her OWLs and NEWTs. We may be younger than you'd prefer, but we are not stupid, nor was I thinking with my little head! I would have been happy to wait for her, to go to our hand-fasting a virgin, but, as Cho pointed out we are at war, and we might not live to the end of it, especially with the prophecy hanging over us. There was another reason we decided not to wait, neither of us wanted the Potter name to die, in fact we were planning to have several children, but the first would continue the family name."

Lily was speechless, and a little ashamed that she had misjudged her son so badly. Keeping her mouth shut, she waited for Harry to continue.

"Unfortunately, unless Ginny caught last night, the Potter line is dead. I don't understand it, but she never got pregnant, even though we were sure she was ready a bunch of the time." Harry finished with a frown. Cho looked at him sadly, her hand still on his shoulder, offering what comfort she could. His parents and Sirius were frowning as well, because they were well aware of the reason they couldn't get pregnant, and Harry was really going to blow his stack when he found out. They had already agreed that James would be the one to explain things to Harry.

They stood silent for a moment, each of them lost in their thoughts. Harry noticed Cho's hand and he smiled at her and put his arm around her waist, pulling her close to him. "Thanks Cho, I know that couldn't have been easy for you to hear, especially since, if things had been different it could have been you and me last year."

Cho leaned into him and smiled in return, "We weren't ready then Harry, I was too torn up about Cedric, and you had too much stress in your life that year, with the Toadwoman and all the other things." She paused, and gave a surprised laugh, "I was about to say who knows what will happen, we aren't dead yet, but then it hit me, we are dead!"

Harry laughed as well, "This isn't anything like I was expecting either, Cho, and I don't think it's really sunk in for either of us." The smile dropped a little, and he said, "You know, I always thought that all my questions about life would be answered once I died, that maybe I'd understand things, get a little perspective on why my life was such shite so much of the time..."

James cleared his throat, "I guess that's a good a segue as I could ask for." Walking over to Harry, he said, "Why don't we all sit down, and I'll try and explain a few things." With a gesture, six chairs, five of them looking like they had just been sitting in the Gryffindor Common Room, and the 6th in Blue and Bronze, the Ravenclaw house colors were arranged in a circle in front of them.

James smirked internally at the impressed look on Harry and Cho's faces as they took their seats. Cho sat in the Ravenclaw chair naturally, and Harry took the seat right next to her. James wondered if Harry even realized that he'd taken Cho's hand as they walked over? The others, including Death, surprisingly enough, took their seats, and a table full of refreshments appeared in front of them. After everyone had taken a few biscuits and a drink, James sat down across from Harry and started to speak.

James took a deep breath and said, "Harry, we know why Ginny never got pregnant."

Harry sat straight up in his chair, his full attention focused on his father.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Before I answer that, let me ask, what do you know about love potions?"

(A/N: I made some parts of the theory about love potion the rest I got it "Click here": I made up the bad effects of love potions.)

Harry looked at James in confusion, 'love potions? what do love potions have to do with Ginny not getting pregnant?' Shrugging mentally, he said,

"From what I understand, and I hope you realize that Potions was not my best subject."

Lily frowned, Severus was in for a very uncomfortable time the next time she saw him.

Harry had no idea of his mothers thoughts as he continued, "From what I've read, a love potion is supposed to make you fall in love with someone, or make another person fall in love with you, but it doesn't really work that way, true love can't be manufactured, what the potion does is make you obsessed with the object of the potion. Supposedly a single drop, which is the maximum safe does, affects you for 24 hours, and if the person wants to continue affecting you, they would need to make sure you were constantly receiving the potion. But how does have anything to do with Ginny not getting pregnant?"

"I'll get to that Harry, it's just important that you understand the basics," James said with a slight smile, "You've got a good start on the love potion, but unfortunately, there are several negative effects to them as well. The one that concerns us is that one of the basic ingredients in all common love potions is frozen Ashwinder eggs, and while I don't pretend to understand why, the Ashwinder egg prevents a woman from ovulating, that is, being able to become fertile. At the same time, it prevents a man from producing sperm.

"What? Are you telling me that Ginny and I were being dosed with love potions? Is that what you are trying to say?" Harry demanded as he stood up from his chair.

James nodded sadly as Cho tugged on Harry's hand, pulling him back into his seat. Once he was seated, Cho said, "Harry, I understand why you are angry, but your parents aren't the ones who dosed the two of you. Killing the messenger really won't help you find out who is responsible."

Harry paused to consider what she said, and nodded abruptly. "Thanks Cho, I needed to hear that." Turning to James he said, "Sorry dad, I'm sure you can understand why that got me upset, but, you were saying?"

"Before I tell you who was dosing you, you need to be aware, Ginny had no idea that the two of you were being given the potion. She really did love you, the potion just made the feelings stronger, even without the potion, the two of you truly did love each other, it was ironic that they were feeding you the potion and really didn't need to, for that reason anyway."

"So Ginny loved me but who fed me love potion and why?" Harry asked. He saw his parents and godfather finch. He narrowed his eyes at them and said.

"Something tells me, I won't like the answer I will get." Harry said. His parents nodded and Lily looked at Cho and said,

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this Cho, but you were also being fed potions during that last few years. It was actually a restricted potion that has no known legal uses, it was being fed to you to keep your emotions unstable, because the person behind everything didn't want you and Harry to get close to one another. It was a different person feeding you the potion, but there was one guiding will behind all of it. It was your supposed best friend, Marietta Edgecombe who was feeding you the potion so you would depend only on her. You see, Marietta is a very sick person, and was obsessed with you. She thought she was in love with you, but it wasn't a healthy love, it was more a desire to keep you to herself and never let anybody else get close to you."

James picked up where Lily left off and said to Harry, "The people responsible for giving you and Ginny the love potions are actually Ron and Molly Weasley."

To no ones surprise, neither Harry or Cho took the news well, as both of them leapt from their seats. Cho was furious that her supposed best friend had betrayed her like that, all so she could live out her sick fantasy. Cho wasn't bothered that Marietta wanted to have sex with her, she was no stranger to another girls touch, but she had befriended Marietta precisely because she wasn't attracted to her, wanted to have an uncomplicated friendship.

Harry didn't want to believe it! Why would Ron, his best friend, his brother in all but blood do this to him? And Molly? How could she do that to both he and her own daughter?

"Why mum, why would they do it?" Harry cried, anguish on his face.

"For the most human of reasons, Harry, simple greed. They wanted your money, they never cared about you, but they thought if you and Ginny got together they would have even more access to your vault at Gringotts. I hate to say it, but Ron and Molly Weasley are obviously not the people you thought they were." Lily replied.

"Why would they want my money? I have very little money in my bank account in Gringotts. Heck I only have 50,000 Galleons in my vault that you left me." Harry said. James, Lily, and Sirius shook their heads in disappointment.

"Harry, you been lied to by Molly and Ron. Your mum and I, as well as your godfather left you a lot more money. There would have been enough to last you all the way through school, as well as buy your family a nice home to live in." James said. Harry was confused.

"If I had more money, where did it all go?" Harry asked his mom.

"Straight into a vault that Molly had set up, Arthur had no idea they were stealing from you, so they couldn't put the money in the family vault. Molly got your key before you started your second year, the summer you spend at the Burrow. She started stealing from you within a couple of days of you arriving there. She started paying Ron a little bit during the year, it was why he didn't do what he wanted to do and desert you when you were revealed to be a parselmouth.

"So all this time, Molly and Ron were just being friendly so they could steal my money?" Harry asked, to which his parents and Sirius nodded. "What about Hermione? Was she in on it too?"

Death, who had been sitting quietly as the family discussed things, spoke up "Good Heavens no! Hermione had no idea any of this was going on, she was loyal to you the entire time."

Harry and Cho both breathed a sigh of relief, Harry because his friend truly was his friend, and Cho because she was concerned at what another betrayal by somebody close to him would do to Harry.

Death continued, "That isn't to say that you and Cho weren't betrayed by others, Harry."

Harry grimaced, "Who else has betrayed us?" he asked, as he squeezed Cho's hand in support.

"Before I tell you that, you remember that I said earlier that I wanted to make you an offer? What I'm offering is a chance for the two of you to go back to your earlier lives and fix things. You see Voldemort was never supposed to survive his encounter with you that night in 1981. He was supposed to end up in my domain, but he's managed to cheat me. I can send you back to correct things, but, as always with something like that, there is a cost."

Cho and Harry looked at each other in shock. A chance to fix things, to prevent the war that killed so many? There was almost no price they wouldn't pay!

"What's the price?" Cho asked. She really wanted to take Death up on his offer, but she wanted to know what the price was before she committed herself. She somehow knew that Harry had the same concern.

"It's actually nothing to strenuous, I want you two to gather my Hallows, and, at the end of your lives, return them to me. You already know where they all are, but unfortunately you won't be able to get to them right away. You see, you'll both be sent back with all your memories, but unfortunately your bodies won't be developed enough to handle your current magical cores, so you will need to develop your magic all over again. You will wake up in your younger bodies 2 weeks before the start of Harry's first year at Hogwarts, so it would be your second year, Cho." Looking at each other and having a silent conversation before they turned to Death and nodded, accepting his offer.

Death shook its' head, "You actually have to say you accept the deal, just nodding your head won't meet the requirements." The figure shrugged, "I don't make the rules, but I do have to play by them."

Harry and Cho glanced at each other and smiled, their hands still intertwined and each said in a clear voice, "Deal!" Death nodded and they got the impression he was smiling, even though they couldn't see a face under the cowl.

James and Lily glanced at each other in amusement, wondering if the two of them would figure things out before Death explained the rest to them.

"Excellent! Now, I mentioned that you had been betrayed by others, did I not? Actually Harry, you probably already realize who the major betrayer is, don't you?"

Harry scowled, "Considering that Molly Weasley had her tongue so far up Dumbledore's arse she could taste his breakfast, I'm going with the Goat Buggerer himself!"

Death nodded while the others looked vaguely ill at the mental image.

"Exactly, he is the reason for the vast majority of the problems that you encountered throughout your life. But for our purposes, the main thing he did was keep you and Cho apart. He didn't do it alone, of course, he had help." As Death was speaking, he slipped his hands into the sleeves of his robe. Pulling his hands out, he turned them so the palms faced Harry and Cho, and on each hand was a picture of the last person Harry expected to see, Cedric Diggory!

Harry fell back into his chair in shock, Cedric, the martyr of the 2nd War betrayed him? He looked up at Death and said, "I really hope that's the last of the major shocks, I don't think I can take much more."

Cho stumbled backward, shaking her head in disbelief, 'Cedric? How could he have done this to us? He was a Hufflepuff, and they stand for loyalty!' she frowned as the thought crossed her mind, 'just what was he actually loyal to? It certainly wasn't to me!' She felt her eyes start to tear up, and she wiped them away angrily before reaching back for Harry's hand. 'At least Harry never deliberately betrayed me, and, wait a minute, did Death say that Dumbledore and Cedric kept us apart? Were we supposed to be together all this time?' Feeling the warmth of his hand, and remembering the smile he seemed to save for her, not to mention the fact that he threw himself in front of a Killing Curse for her, she smiled,

'I think I can live with that,' and moved to sit in a very surprised Harry's lap.

Harry blinked in shock as Cho planted herself firmly in his lap, and, trying to avoid showing his natural reaction to having her bum pressing onto him, he looked at Death and said, "How did the Twinkle-eyed bastard and Cedric betray us?"

"By keeping the two of you away from each other of course. If they hadn't interfered, the two of you would have gone to the Yule Ball together and had a wonderful time. You would have shared your first kiss just after midnight." Harry and Cho both smiled at the image, and Harry slipped his arm around Cho, holding her closely as they listened to Death. Neither of them noticed the smile on Lily's face or the fact that Sirius, with a mock scowl, handed James a Galleon coin. Death noticed the byplay and shook his head in amusement before focusing on the two youngsters.

"I don't know if you are aware of this, because there wasn't a lot of reliable information available, but Soul-Bonds exist. They are fairly uncommon, but they do exist. You see, when a person is fated to have great tasks placed before them in life, Fate arranges things so they don't have to face those tasks alone." Death paused and looked directly at Harry, "Harry you may want to brace yourself, because what I'm about to say may seem shocking."

Harry inhaled sharply, then closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair, his other arm wrapping around Cho as well, before he exhaled and looked at Death and nodded.

"As I was saying, Fate arranges things so that you won't face your tasks alone. However, in certain cases such as yours, where the tasks are heavier than most, she arranges for more than one Soul-Bond."

Cho spoke up from her comfortable spot on Harry's lap, "Excuse me, but if I understand what you are saying, or implying, it seems that Harry and I are fated to be together, correct?"

Death nodded, "That's true, you were supposed to notice each other during the Gryffindor/Ravenclaw Quidditch Match your second year. That would have been the start of the two of you connecting, which would culminate in you being Harry's first choice for a date to the Yule Ball. However, he would have found you immediately, instead of fumbling around like he actually did. Unfortunately the two of you didn't get to play against each other that year, and by the following year, he was already starting to be fed the potions." Death shook his head in frustration, "So much agony and early death could have been avoided if only Dumbledore hadn't screwed things up so badly." For the first time, the two of them heard an emotion other than amusement in Death's voice, he actually sounded angry!

"Trust me, for what he did to the two of you, and so many others, he is not enjoying his next great adventure in the least!" Visibly calming himself, Death continued.

"If things had gone according to plan, when the two of you kissed after the Ball, it would have woken the bond between the two of you, and this whole war would have been stopped before it really got started."

"What do you mean? How could the fact that Cho and I found each other have helped stop Voldemort?" Harry asked, honestly curious.

"To start with, when your souls bonded, they would have forced that piece of Riddle's soul that was buried in your scar from your body. That was what caused you such incapacitating pain whenever you were around him. Without being blinded by the pain, things in the graveyard would have gone very differently. You would still have been captured, but would have been able to think more clearly, and, after Voldemort got his body back, you would have had the presence of mind to stun Wormtail and grab him. You would have taken him back with you, and with living witness, would have been able to force the ministry to free your godfather and admit that Voldemort was back. He was still weak from his resurrection and a determined effort would have been enough to destroy him permanently."

Harry nodded, "Okay, that makes sense. But, knowing what we do now, wouldn't it be easier to just capture Wormtail earlier, and prevent the entire mess?"

Death shook his head, "No, because there are certain events that need to happen, and Voldemort getting his body is one of them. You see, while Voldemort is without a body, he is effectively immortal, and can possess another person, either willingly, such as with Quirrel, or unwillingly. However, if you are able to destroy his anchors before he gets a new body, not only will he be weak, he will not have access to all of his magic because several pieces of his soul have already been destroyed."

Cho had been listening closely, and putting his words together with what Death had said earlier, asked "Is Ginny one of the other Soul-Bonds you mentioned?"

Death nodded, and Cho got a feeling of approval from the being, which made her feel warm inside.

They heard Sirius give his barking laugh as he said, "Damn Lils, she figured it out even faster than you did, and you still got it way earlier than Prongs and I!"

Harry said, in a voice laced with amusement, "For the benefit of those of us who aren't Ravenclaws, can you explain a bit about this Soul-Bond thing?"

"Of course, a soul bond, is actually fairly easy to understand. Generally, it's when one witch and one wizard or, as in your case, one wizard and multiple witches to fall in love with each other. People who are soul-bound are extremely fortunate, because you know, to the very depths of your being, that the other partner in your bond loves you, and you love them. Betrayal or infidelity is utterly impossible, while you may still find another person attractive, you will feel absolutely no temptation to act on it. The bond also words to, smooth out the rough edges is the best way to put it. It eases conflicts within the bond, which is very important, especially in a multiple bond. It will prevent jealousy among the women in the bond and allow the women to find pleasure in each other as well as with you."

Cho felt Harry harden beneath her, and she smirked. Turning to whisper in his ear, she said, "Are you picturing Ginny and I together, all naked and sweaty? Showing you how much we love each other by using our fingers and tongues to provide pleasure?"

"Grrk!" Harry strangled out intelligently, making Cho laugh.

"I like the idea too, Harry, and we'll see about making it a reality as soon as our new bodies are old enough."

Harry forced himself to set that image aside for the minute, as he asked "How many soul-bonds do I have?"

"Well, including Cho and Ginny, there are eight girls who are at least potentially bonded to you."

James and Sirius grinned at each other behind Lily's back. They were thrilled that Harry was going to be living most men's dream by gaining a Harem! They both had wanted one when they were Harry's age, but Lily shot the idea down very dramatically. Lily obviously was not happy about the idea, but trusted her son not to turn into James or Sirius.

Harry flushed red at Death's words, before shouting, "Eight? Eight? How the bloody buggering hell am I supposed to take care of eight girls? I had a hard enough time just keeping Ginny happy!"

Cho leaned in to Harry and placed a light kiss on his lips, calming him down. "It'll be okay Harry, we'll have the bonds that will help us all adapt and live together happily."

Harry smiled and kissed her back, "Thanks Cho, I don't know what I'd do without you."

Looking over at Death, he asked something he had been wondering about. "I can easily believe Dumbledore was interfering in our lives, he seemed to meddle in everything, but how did Cedric betray us? Was he willing, or just another of the old man's unwitting puppets?"

"Well, he really didn't betray you, Harry, his betrayal was mostly of Cho. Cedric was, in addition to the potions, the reason Cho's personality changed so dramatically your fourth year. Harry, you remembered Cho as sweet innocent girl who was almost always found with a book in her hand, or in the library studying with her friends, or else smiling widely as she flew against you in Quidditch, correct?" Harry nodded, "After she started dating Cedric, she changed; she was hanging around Cedric more then her other friends, focusing on him instead of her studies, and generally became a very clingy girl, instead of the sweet confident girl she was before. It took her a long time to come back to the girl she once was, unfortunately by that time the damage was done, and she was under heavier and heavier doses of the potions.

Harry hugged Cho tightly, trying to provide comfort to her the way she had comforted him earlier. Death didn't notice, he was caught up in his explanation.

"If you and Cho had fallen in love when you were supposed to, she would have become as powerful as you are, as will all of your bond mates. Dumbledore couldn't allow that you see, he needed Harry to be basically alone, except for the girl he approved of, so he would be willing to go to his death to fulfill the prophecy. Dumbledore was well aware of almost all of your soul bonds only three of eight didn't show up. There is a record of them in the Department of Mysteries, and the old man had an alert on anything that had to do with you."

Death watched as the two of them absorbed that bit of information before he went on.

"I realize I haven't exactly answered your question, but Cedric was a willing participant in the plot against you. Even though he would deny it, he deeply resented your name coming out of the Goblet, and was willing to do whatever he could to hurt you. He was very well rewarded for keeping Cho away from you." Turning to Cho, "Didn't you think it was odd how calm and relaxed Cedric was when he asked you to the ball?" She nodded, he did act a bit unusual. "That's because he had just finished shagging Marietta in a private room Dumbledore provided for his use. He was shagging Marietta on a daily basis, sometimes several times a day up until the day he was killed."

Cho looked up, fury in her eyes, "So that's why the bastard never touched me? He told me he wanted to wait until he graduated and put a ring on my finger! That lying, cheating sack of nundu shite! He was shagging my so-called best friend all that time?" Taking a deep breath and curling into Harry's arms, she said, "That answers my last question, except, what happens now?"

It was Harry who answered, "Isn't it obvious Cho? We make those two, and my former friend's lives a living hell! I've got some wonderful ideas for things to do to each of them, thanks to the Marauders," He grinned at his parents and Sirius, "such as a combination impotence and flatulence curse for Cedric, not only would he not be able to get hard, any time he got excited he'd have horrendous, and noisy gas!" Cho giggled against him, "As for Marietta, there's a curse that will make her monthly visitor stay 12 days, and multiplies the cramps by a factor of three! She'll be totally miserable the entire time."

Cho gave his a feral smile, "I like it, the bitch deserves every bit of pain she's going to receive! But what about Ron and Molly?"

"I think I have idea how you can get back at those two." Lily said, making Cho and Harry look over.

"Under almost any normal circumstances, I would never suggest this, but what they did isn't just an offense against you, Harry, but against the entire Potter family. In a trunk in the Potter Family Vault at Gringotts there are several sets of wrist bands," Lily paused and took a deep breath as she forced herself to continue, "You have the permission of your father and I to use them on Molly and Ron. There are two types of wrist bands, the black bands are slave bands, which I would assume you would use on the two of them, and on Cedric if you choose. There are also several sets of bands that are red in color and those denote sexual slavery. You could make it clear to Marietta that the only way to have the curse removed is to accept the bands."

Harry was in shock, his mother was suggesting that they enslave their enemies? A huge part of Harry rebelled against the idea, remembering his own days as little more than a slave to the Dursleys.

James and Sirius were even more stunned, because Lily had hated the fact that those wrist bands existed, but they couldn't be destroyed because one of James' ancestors had tied them to the family magic, and destroying them would be destroying a portion of their magic.

Cho nodded thoughtfully, she had grown up hearing stories of her family's history, and knew that enslavement or execution was the standard manner of dealing with a defeated enemy. A part of her even felt a thrill at the idea of having Marietta under her control.

Lily continued speaking, "Harry, I know what you are thinking, this is a completely different situation than what you experienced at my sister's. You were an innocent forced into that situation. None of the people we are talking about are innocent. Granted, I'd prefer you wait until they actually do what we know that are going to do before you force the bands on them, but it's only a matter of time. If it eases your conscience any, think about this, for what the four of them did, theft and potioning the Head of an Ancient and Noble House, as well as interfering with a magically recognized soul-bond, they would ordinarily be sentenced to the Dementors Kiss, which not only sucks the soul from the body, the Dementor consumes it, trapping the soul inside the demon's body, where it suffers unspeakable agony for an eternity!"

Harry nodded, "Alright, I won't pretend to like the idea, but I like the idea of them getting the Kiss even less. Once they move against Cho or I, we'll put the bands on them."

Cho added, "I don't really have a problem with the idea, it's the traditional way of dealing with enemies, but I'm wondering if there is a way to keep the bands from being detected by anyone who doesn't need to know about them, such as Dumbledore?"

Lily grinned, "Good thinking, I knew I was going to like you! But the answer is yes, the bands are actually completely undetectable to anyone but the two of you, and any of your other bond mates once you bring them into the family."

Cho smiled back at Lily, but said, "If you don't mind me asking, how did something like those bands come to be? They are not considered very light, and the Potters were always firmly on the side of the Light."

James spoke up, "Actually, I can answer that Cho, Lily never really spent much time on the bands history once she found out about them. You see, several hundred years ago the Wizarding World was at war with a necromancer who had a way of automatically turning his own soldiers into Infiri when they were killed. He also had gained the bound allegiance of a clan of Succubi which played havoc with the defenders. One of my ancestors came up with the idea of enslaving the necromancer's army until they could stop the process of becoming Infiri. Several records of that time still exist, and the majority of the soldiers willingly swore allegiance to the Crown when they were released from the bands. It was a similar situation with the Succubi, although they departed back to their own dimension after being released. There's a lot more to it, but I think you get the idea."

Cho nodded, satisfied. "Thanks for explaining that, I do remember reading about the Necromancer at one point, but they were kind of vague on how he was defeated."

Harry smiled, "A Ravenclaw to the end, eh Cho? Always looking for answers." Cho just grinned back happily as she snuggled into his arms. Dropping the smile, Harry looked at Death and said, "Is there anything else we need to know before we go back?"

"Just a couple of more things, first, Hermione Granger is another one of your soul-bound. When you first meet her on the Hogwarts Express, she will remember everything."

"Hermione? Heh! Won't that be a kick in balls to the Weasel? He wanted her so bad his teeth hurt from what I remember. But, if we were supposed to be together, why didn't our magic bring us to anything deeper than friendship?"

"Because you hadn't bonded with your Alpha yet. You see Harry, in every grouping like this, one of the women will assume the role of Alpha, or dominant female, and if your destined Alpha isn't bound, none of the others will be drawn into the bond. The Alpha is needed for the others to focus on."

Harry and Cho both nodded, understanding.

"In the original time, Cho was supposed to be your Alpha, but she may not be this time around. Going back in time always causes some changes. There is a possibility that Fate will assign you a second set of wives in addition to your original eight, and if that happens, then your new wives will look to all the originals as their Alphas. I'm not certain exactly what is to happen, a lot depends on choices the two of you and others make. For example, one girl who married someone else in the original time line may fall in love with you instead of the original guy. Again, there are a lot of things that are still unclear."

Sirius looked over at James and, when James looked back, mouthed the words "More Women?" and James grinned happily. He knew that Lily would cut him off if he said anything, but he was pleased as hell that Harry was getting a harem of lovelies to share his bed! As far as he was concerned, it was a legitimate payback for the shite he had to put up with since they were killed. Lily wouldn't see it that way, of course. Unfortunately she wasn't as open minded as he would have liked, only rarely agreeing to have a threesome with another girl when they were alive. Of course, she was a bit more open minded now, and they were currently enjoying spending time with Selene Lovegood.

"Okay, is there anything else? Harry asked impatiently.

"Yes, Ginny will be going to Hogwarts with you for your first year.. When you meet her, touch her shoulder and say 'Remember me?' That will release her memories of the original time line. Don't worry about how she will be getting there early, plans are already in place to take care of that. Letting her have the memories of her future self will avoid the need for the Chamber to be opened, we believe."

"One last thing, when you go back, you won't have the Voldemort's soul fragment in your scar so it should fade away. You should try to get the horcruxes from their hiding places as quickly as possible, because if Riddle discovers someone is trying to locate them, he might well move them."

The two of them nodded, Harry was already making plans. He knew that if they messes up, things would be much harder this time around. But he also knew that he would have people he could depend on, and they could depend on him as well, so he was confident they would succeed. With one last hug for James and Lily, and a one-armed hug with Sirius, the two of them were ready to leave.

The end of this chapter!!
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