Review for Quiet Time

Quiet Time

(#) CompetiveSwimmaChick 2007-06-17

Aww, that was sweet. Would have liked more dialogue though at the beginning in Atlanta's head and Archie's head, know what their thinking without them saying it outloud. Make it flow even better than it did (if it was possible). But it was really really good. Sweet and fluffy. The very beginning was catching too. Well, thats some critism and some gr8 reviewing. And I really really luved that story. Methinks you should write another one to satisfy my thirst for your gr8 writing. LOL... random fisherman talk at the beggining at the last sentance.. oh oh, really starting to ramble on. I should shut my trap while I can. But really gr8 wring there, luved every lil second. ~mwah~ Luv ya!