Review for Brother Z

Brother Z

(#) NAPPA 2007-06-19

Hehehe :) - Is this the end ? I loved this story. As in one of your reviews you said about Snape not being able to leave things alone, I assume there is atleast one more chapter.

Anyway, good as always. Things flowed well as usual.

Are you American ? A lot of your stories have very vivid descriptions of how you think another Magical Ministry is. Usually in other author's versions the ministry's are too saccharine perfect. However much I want to say that this isn't the case with yours, it is almost similar. I don't know if it's intentional - to show how a proper ministry, something a little more merit based system should function like, as opposed to the nepotism that is rife in the British system. So I can't really fault it - but I think you should make the ministries a little less good. Perhaps using something else somewhere in a fic. It probably has nothing to do with your writing - and maybe I just want a little more variety in there.

Do you have more stories planned ? Do you have any other things you're getting into ?

Offtopic : Do you post on PORTKEY ( ) ? Some of your plot lines and things I read, I keep feeling , I've read your work in non-fiction somewhere. Just a weird thought.

Author's response

I think that my other ministries (usually North american) are very flawed; if they look really good it's because the British one is so bad. I tend to use North America not because I am American, let alone think we Americans/Candadians do things better, but because I could create a larger magical world than what the British seem to have (lots more places to hide people away)and because I know the geography moderately well. I could just as easily use Australia or the Ural region of Russia, but I'd be more likely to make errors.

There are 10 1/2 chapters (ie two more chapters and then a very brief one; I'm still trying to add to that. . . .)

I've looked at portkey, but never really got into the site. I have several stories started, but I don't think I'll finish any of them. We'll see; I've said that before.
