Review for Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn

Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn

(#) theform 2007-06-30

This is a fantastic story. One of the best Harry goes to alternate reality fics out there. I'm serious. I find myself eagerly awaiting the next chapter. I hope that you are able to find the time to continue writing, because it would be a shame for you to stop writing. In most cases, I find myself enjoying the plot more than the writer's actual writing, leading to feelings of frustration and disappointment. But your writing, on the other hand, really is superb. Your characters are developing nicely and the things that happen in your story seem natural and follow a logical progression. One thing I would flesh out more is why Harry isn't trying to interact with his parents more. I feel like their relationship, or lack thereof, is very interesting. In cannon, Harry would be beyond ecstatic if presented with an opportunity to even talk to his parents. So this leads to one of two conclusions. Harry still harbors these feelings in his heart and is simply not acting on them. That leads to a question of why isn't he acting on them? The other conclusion is that Harry's past post-cannon was so traumatic that when offered a chance to get to interact with his parents, he not only chooses not to, but engages in activity that drives them away. Then the question becomes, what happened in his past? What could cause Harry to feel that way? I would hope for details on this. Furthermore, Harry has freed Sirius and and captured Peter and now he feels purposeless? I'm a little confused by Harry's existential crisis in this chapter. A response to any or all of these points would be appreciated.