Review for Moving In, Moving Up, Moving On

Moving In, Moving Up, Moving On

(#) ssketchator 2007-07-06

This has nothing to do with anything [oh except btw I voted, look I did something productive in the time span in which it was required of me!] but FrostedGlass makes me laugh.

I would like, from the bottom of my heart, to apologize for not reviewing as frequently as I read. I presume it's because I read from my mobile most of the time [yes, I am bringing mobile back] and I can't review from it. Also, I'm lazy and absentminded so even if I do read on la computadora [I'm also bringing Spanish back... what?] I forget to review anyway. I'm a dick.

So here is a review to tell you that I love you, I love this story, you have incredible talent and drive that I can only envy, you are part of the reason I spend so much time in the bathroom at school/work [shirking responsibility to read fanfic is the absolute], and I'm sorry for being a bad reader.

Not that my reading skills are bad. Just that I'm bad at being a reader. Gawd, I need to shut up.

Also, tosser and sodding are officially parts of my vocab, and I'd like to thank you for that. You Brits are way better than us.