Review for Clandestine Industries Presents: disasteRomance

Clandestine Industries Presents: disasteRomance

(#) astrozombie28 2007-11-26

bwahahahaha only nate would carry oregano around with him :D
ah, pot...the oregano thing reminded me of that 70s show. (may it RIP in a grave beside Blink-182, Midtown and Tom DeLonge's sense of modesty)
the chicago is so two years ago thing sounds like something i'd say...along with pop punk is sooo 05 :) that's another personal favourite of mine
ooooooh and i got my josh franceschi :D my early christmas present...well, he gave me a hug and i got a photo with him after YouMeAtSix's gig supporting Elliot Minor...bwahahaha he was drunk and high as hell and he started stroking my hair and i was just like 'ooookay...' but it was so worth it cos he let me stroke his hair :D i have to know what straightener/hair products he used cos he wouldnt tell me lol