Review for Want your own story?!

Want your own story?!

(#) mooniexmisfit 2007-12-16

My name is caity, I'm 5'8. Yeah, I know, giant! I'm really athletic, I'm a rower and sometimes a coxswain on the school crew team (rowing), and I jump my horse. I love lacrosse too!
My personality kind of matches my hair. Crazy. I've got pink chunks over my natural brunette color. It's really choppy and crazy.
I'm a really sarcastic person, and really witty when I choose to be. I have a beagle named lady, I sort of think that she wins at life.
Dancing is my life! I've been taking ballet since I was four and jazz since I was six. My horse's name is Lad, and he's quite possibly my favorite dude. My friends and I are allllways reaking havoc.
And I think it's time for me to stop rambling. But before I do, I choose Pete. (Throws out pokeball.)

Author's response

Alright, a Pete story it is! :]
I'll get it up as soon as I can.
And thank you so much for making your request so descriptive, you have no idea how much I appreciate it :]