Review for Give 'Em Hell Kid

Give 'Em Hell Kid

(#) xImRadx 2007-12-20

Havent read the story yet but I read everything up top and I really feel for you. I've been with you since Vampires and I know you are not a shitty writer. Dont listen to the stero type or let that get you down. People are ignorant and blind to true talent. Im not lying when I say you are honestly an amazing writer. I really enjoy your work and I feel terrible for you that you'd even think of such self doubts. Ontop of your amazing writing capabilities your a nice person and I love all your MCR ramble, its the best cause you always keep me updated and Im obbsessed to. I like you as a writer and a person and It pains me to see you in such distress, but just relax and let imature things like those people roll off your back. Dont change yourself for anyone and dont change your story for anyone either. Even though I enjoy fluffier stuff I'd read anything you wrote. Always know that even though Im just a reviewer, just texts on a screen I'm here for you. Whenever you need someone to talk to. I/m me at ximradxxo or email me at you've done it before lol. Keep your head up, your doing fine.