Review for Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts

Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts

(#) melferd 2008-02-27

**snorts in an unladylike manner***
Essence of Mertlap indeed!! Twins had it coming, loved watching..somehow I don't think this qualifies me for the Marquis de Sade news weekly.

I love seeing Harry be relaxed and having a life. You really nail him character-wise, and it's refreshing to see him just be a guy. Not to mention I laughed my ass off at Dumbledores' idiocy. Glad Snape went down in a blaze of arm clutching glory, thanks for that as well. Harry's revenge with the Malfoys and Dursleys makes ME want to marry him, contract notwithstanding, seeing as I'm taken. OK, maybe just see to it he gets well loved and well shagged, not in any special order.
Thanks for the more, big guy!

Author's response

- Sure, but I bet you look at the boots and think "ooh, kicky!"

- Sex isn't going to happen too soon for Harry. At least as far as my outline shows... In fact in chapter 5 or 6 he turns it down... Ah the curse of being a nice guy.