Review for GREAT NEWS!


(#) I_am_Me 2008-04-10


Yes, it's going in order. Monday was the fear gas one, and where Zoe comes in. (Julius: 'Leave enough antidote for them [Dr Dismay and Nurse], though. I can't stand the sight of a shaking henchwoman.') Tuesday was where Sunshine and Ice steal the power in Tokyo, and Zoe proves her worth; Ursula's outed as a mole. (Delilah: 'This was too easy, something's wrong.') Wednesday was where Delilah, Zoe, and Julius go to the all girls school. Delilah is really funny in this one. (Emmet: 'Grab my hand.' Nosey: 'Not in front of the lay-days.') Thursday was the return of Dynamo, and Al spoke of some of the things he did as an agent, which was cool. Zoe and Nosey kiss in this one and Zoe gets a permanent spot at the Academy. (Zoe: 'You're a good kisser, but next time I pick the alibi!' slaps Nosey lightly) Has anyone else noticed how the ladies are all in control? The boys are almost just there to do the girls' bidding at times.

Author's response

Hey, No need to put the warning I love spoilers since I already saw those episodes anyways the episode I think that was really funny for me was "the homework determinal" because delilah kept tranquilizing the girls really funny. Go D&J!!!!