Review for Harry Potter and the Distaff Side

Harry Potter and the Distaff Side

(#) ChiVayne 2008-05-02

I see in one of your responses "everyone hops on the poor Puffs as the bad guys". I think that's because (at least for me) that they have attacked one of their own, someone who has saved the life of one of their own, on mere conjecture that that person MIGHT go dark. I am reminded of Yoda's famous fear=> anger=> hate=> suffering quote. So, yes, I see them as bad guys. What has Harry done that warrants their response (as opposed to, say, just sitting him down and talking to him about their concerns)? If that's how they react to potential threats, I am no fan of theirs.

Author's response

- Yet no one knows who did the grabbing, or for what reason....