Review for The Acts Of Betrayal

The Acts Of Betrayal

(#) SmokinDragon 2008-05-09

Just found and read the entire story (boring day at work :D). Excellent work though I must admit reading through the rape-parts where harder than I thought (kudos for that, as writing it well enough to elicit such an unexpected emotional response from me takes good penmanship, as I normally read through such parts as emotionally detached as I can make myself given the utterly despicable acts portrayed).

Other than that, it has a multitude of characterizations and plot-devices I find interesting in HP fanfic, such as Ron/Ginny/Molly/Dumbledore bashing (Ron's a git, never liked Ginny, Molly is irritating, and Dumbledore just seems so manipulative and/or senile in Canon), manipulative/evil!Dumbledore, evil!Snape and evil!Draco (I have trouble coping with the 'reformed' or 'misunderstood' versions that some fics try), independent!Harry, powerful!Harry (but not super-powered or with a multitude of weird superpowers), a Harry/Neville friendship to replace the Harry/Ron, Luna as a seer, etc.

Suffice to say that its easily in my top 10 HP fanfics. A truly excellent story that kept my attention chapter after chapter.