Review for You Remind Me Of A Former Love.

You Remind Me Of A Former Love.

(#) infinite-oddity 2008-05-30

Dear Paige,
I thought I would tell you a rather interesting story of how I had come upon your fic. Well, you told me and I spazzed, obviously. So I typed my way to ficwad and click on "I Will Survive" It wouldn't open. I was freaking out, because the new chapter is long awaited. So ten minutes pass, in which I sit and twidle my thumbs, drink too much watch and think, "This better be the best story ever." And, in what seemed like forever, the internet decided to pity me. So I read it, and was not mistaken at all.
This is amazing. I especially like how Helen just sorta tugs an unwilling and yet skeptical Ryan around. And that Nicole is Ryan, just a little more "in your face" rather than "in the rain." Oh, and the "The rain is gloomy" bit. Helen would totally do that.
Thank you for putting me in your story! You interpret me very well. Swallowing my tounge? Classy. My reaction to Ryan? Impecible. Where was I the last third of the fic? Lord knows! (Although, now it occurs to me that I can't just leave my shift willy-nilly. But I must own the Starbucks or something to have that convertible ;D)
And this is possibly one of the longest reviews ever written but, my god, do you deserve it? (I am not sure if you put question marks at the end of rhetorical questions, but I did so to make sure) Anyway, I love you to the depths of my soul Paige.

Love, Elle.

Author's response

My God. This IS the longest review I've ever gotten.

But, anywho, I want to thank you. Not only for the review, but for reminding me that this chapter didn't suck. When I signed off the computer last night, I went to bed thinking that this chapter was rather bad and that I had to edit things when I awoke in the morning. And signing on at 7:30 in the morning to read reviews was going to be inevitable.

But, when I saw this HUGE review explode on my screen, I smiled and realized that a lot more happened in this second chapter than I thought.

I want to make the characters as real as possible. Putting my friends in there seemed like the only way I could (with a few additions) :]. So having Helen seem kind of ditzy seemed like a good idea.

When you said, "Nicole is Ryan. Just more 'in your face' than 'in the rain' made me laugh.

I apologize for making you have to wait forever to read my second chapter. And I hope you weren't disappointed. :]

Thanks tons, my dearest Elle. ILY!