Review for You Remind Me Of A Former Love.

You Remind Me Of A Former Love.

(#) ficfriction 2008-07-25

I know I'll be sad to see the story go, even if I don't review often lol, but I can't wait to see how your creative mind ends it. I must admit though, I hate brendon's char in this story lol he's a butt who needs to be cheated on himself so he can see what it's like. Fucker.

I LOVED this chapter btw =) It rocked.

Author's response

-blinks rapidly-
Is this...
No, it can't be!




This review made me smile and dance. Gahhh. :]

No worries, though. Brendon's character is a butt. A lot of people hate him [including me] ;]

ACK! I'm glad you had a chance to review and that you've been reading. I really am. I'm also glad to hear you liked the chapter. :]

Thank you for the review! :]