Review for Auditions Anyone!!!

Auditions Anyone!!!

(#) mcr_lover103 2008-07-31

Hi, I hope you pick me!

Name: Rebecca/Becca
stage name: Rebel

Looks: Brown hair a little bit past the shoulders. Blue/gray eyes, depending on my mood. 5'5" with about average weight

Style: Tank tops and skinny jeans. Patterned converses are a must! I am also fasinated my crazy hats, which I would wear on stage.

Personality: I am quite shy but I am very sarcastic. I roll my eyes without knowing it. I also can make up random, crazy stories off the top of my head. I can sing fairly well and learning guitar(in the story you can say I already can play if you wish)

I hope you pick me. Thanks for your time :)


Author's response

random crazy stories off the top of your head... that could be gud lol

Kelly xxx