Review for Harry Potter and the Chance Meeting

Harry Potter and the Chance Meeting

(#) jump_jives 2008-08-30

Since I already reviewed the other two chapters while they were in the Big Box of Silliness, I'll skip doing that here at the risk of not inflating your ego any more.

Once again I love this story. Like all of your stories you do an excellent job with dialog and inter-personal interactions. I particularly like the way in which you had Daphne put Draco in his place and the question and answer time with the students.

Harry's deflecting his own part in the battles is well within character as is his depression after he defeats Voldemort (something not enough stories address - or maybe its fortunate since so many of them would include Ginny and she is a character who is rarely written well).

I don't know if you plan to finish the conversation between Hermione and Harry, but the title of her book could be taken a couple of different ways with the Idiots referring to the Death Eaters, the wizarding population as a whole who let it get so bad, the Dursleys (though only because of the second half of the title) or even some of the fighters on the side of the light, coughDumbledorecough. Of course it is sufficiently vague that it could refer to all of that and more.

On a side note, I look forward to seeing the next installment of Marriage Contracts.

Author's response

- I don't really think my ego could inflate anymore... Thankfully it's deserved. I really pity all you people who don't get to hang out with me as much as I do...

- I think Harry knows that while he may have struck the killing blow (as it were) he wouldn't have gotten that far without all the others... And as I had him say in story, he had no choice.

- You're right on with the idiots thing. What Harry is pinging Hermione with is the "Life and Times of HJP" bit.

- I've got the next chapter of Marriage Contracts on my WP now... The words are coming... slowly.