Review for Thoughts of Pudding

Thoughts of Pudding

(#) BJH 2008-09-28

If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? If a well-meaning but poorly acting man makes an apology that goes unheard, is he truly sorry? And if he is sorry, is he sorry for what he has done or that his plans have not worked out?

I'll admit that you had me going with Fawkes, I had thought he had transferred his allegience to Harry, meaning he had already abandoned Albus. Then when he flew to Albus's shoulder in the meeting I thought, as Harry did, that he had just been recovering with Harry. Then you have him fly back to Harry when Albus left! Has Fawkes truly moved to Harry, or did Albus give him some sort of silent command to watch over Harry and perhaps kidnap him at a more opportune time? We know that Albus is that devious, but is Fawkes?

And what about that bad feeling Harry had about DD's explaination for Minerva's stunning? What about it was so fishy? Admittedly, anything Albus says should be considered an attempt at manipulation first and foremost, regardless of whether or not it is the truth.

Nice chapter, funny with the will, intricate with Harry being pulled out of the meeting before hand to sign his emancipation (By the way, Amelia's sighing, does that mean that she isn't thrilled to be forced to follow Albus either?), and touching with Tonks and Harry reuniting as family. Really, really well done.