Review for Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts

Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts

(#) BJH 2008-10-25

This has turned into one of my all-time favorite stories. It had humor, emotion, and even a bit of action here and there. The characters were realistic, frustratingly so at times, and grew with the tale. I loved how Hermione matured, it might be an interesting little omake to see her get together with someone, maybe even Justin searching her out to correct his earlier mistake? You turned Ginny from a slut to a harpy to finally a slightly sympathetic character. The irony that she winds up committing herself to living the same sort of lie that she was willing to force onto Harry was delicious.

Tracey finding herself attracted to a Weasley was a surprise. That could also be a tale to tell.

The only truly sad part was that Tonks never explicitly found someone after uncovering Remus's betrayal. You didn't explicitly say she hadn't so I am choosing to believe she did and you just didn't say.

I love Butch Cassidy too although that duo didn't come out of their fight quite like Harry and Neville did. I also like Harry's stroking the albino snakeskin belt in DD's deathroom. Sort of reminded me of "Romancing the Stone" when Micheal Douglas shows up in the alligator skin boots at the end of the movie.

Thanks so much for the story and I hope to see a new one soon.


Author's response

- Many people have expressed a desire for me to tell a bit more of Hermione and Justin's stories, and others want to hear about the Tracey/Charlie courtship... and now you are asking about Tonk's... Maybe I should revisit this one.

Thanks for your kind words.