Review for 17 Days

17 Days

(#) izziebella 2008-12-30

Yeah, I started to cry when I read this too.

This was pretty deep. That must have been a pretty dark time for gerard (and you too)I kind of understand what was going on here, 'cause my dad used to be an alcoholic, but he sobered up about idk, 4 years and some months ago.

SO I kind of want to say thank-you for writing this, because I've been really angry with my dad for a while over some of this, just 'cause he couldn't really be there for when I started to read this I felt like "this might have been what my dad was thinking" I mean I saw it, but I guess I was being a little bitch about things and just tried to ignore him.

Okay, I'm gonna stop now before I start crying again. Anyways, Thank you for writing this.


Author's response

Thanks, Izzzibee ... all the reviews people leave always mean a lot to me, but especially ones like this.
