Review for 17 Days

17 Days

(#) olinda_13 2008-12-31

I like your rambling

I lost my appetite a little reading the starts of that Christ and to think about a year ago I was in Gerard’s exact position even tho I still find showers a nice place to escape and think I have defiantly though of the “what if” situations in the shower :(: (
I don’t mind doctors cos my family has had the same doctor for years so I don’t feel uncomfortable with him but with others I do especially when they ask sexual questions :S

That doctor in the story pissed me off do have hobbies no duh! He goes on quests DND man DND lol

Author's response

Quests! Ha! Damn straight.


And yeah, I dunno what it is about the shower but it seemed to play a big part in my own "17+ days".