Review for 17 Days

17 Days

(#) girlinthemoon 2009-01-04

I’ve missed a few “days” to this and I’m sorry. I read all three this morning and now I’m going back and reviewing them.

To answer you’re A/N…What you are writing is deep, heartfelt, beautiful, insightful and inspiring. Nothing would change that. It doesn’t matter that you’re using Gerard as the character to tell the story. This would stand on its own, even if you didn’t share how personal it is.

I wasn’t surprised that he went out and bought a beer. It was bound to happen at some point. But his strength to NOT drink it was a surprise.

I like how supportive Kat is in all of this. She is really there for him and would do anything to help. It shows how much she loved him.

Author's response

Hey, don't be sorry! We all have this thing called real life we have to deal with sometimes. LOL

Thanks for this note.

Ah yeah, the beer. I actually did that btw. I think I might have drank it, had I not gotten so pissed that I crushed the bottle. I was so out of it too. I mean, I'd barely slept at all (and that alone will do messed up stuff to your mind) and then all the physical, metal and emotional shit on top of it? Yeah.

I hope the real Kat was as supportive. At least we know Gerard made it through it all somehow.