Review for original songs...

original songs...

(#) IeroMyHero 2009-01-06

I've considered friend and I had this whole plan that involved a phonebook and everything. But when it all comes down, I think it'd make me feel a bit uncomfortable. You going to their old house...but that's just me.

Yeah, of course, you can't compare the Used to like...Van Halen or Led Zep or GNR or anything, but their lyrics mean a lot to me, which I guess is why I love them. But I don't like Lies For The Liars. And I listened to that bonus track Pain and I was so upset by how bad it was. Then again, I was a little disappointed with the Black Parade too. So I'm looking forward to the new Used CD in February and the new MCR CD...whenever...and hoping they'll be good.

And that's awesome about the band thing! But not the part about your friend's ex...I hate it when I get caught in things like that...did you ask her if she was okay with it?

No, I haven't. I'll check em out. I don't Black Flag...I know people say it's supposed to take a while to get used to them, but I've been listening to em for the past year and I still can't listen to more than one song at a time. I'm not that into punk, to be honest. I just like Sex Pistols and the Ramones. And the Misfits, if they count. Because they frankly rock.

Author's response

AH sorry it's taken me like forever to reply (compared to how long it took before). I just haven't been near my computer at all... believe it or not.

A plan with a phonebook?! I watched some youtube video that had gerard's old license on it with the address, which is how I know, then I looked it up on google maps and it was the same house as in LOTMS. so I was like "CHYEAHHH". and I already told my mom out this plan. I am borderline stalker, and it doesn't make me feel wierd at all... because I'm just a major freak. my mom was like, "uhh... are you sure you really want to?" I was like "BITCH DRIVE ME!" (hah but not really)

I ended up not doing the band thing. Because my friend is just, plain and simple, a major bitch, and wouldn't understand... eugh today I was with a different friend and the exgirlfriend girl like ditched us. then I was like "why did you sprint away" and she was like "because you two piss me off. you always ignore me" and I was like "yeah well it's pretty easy to ignore you when you're not even there" (because she always does that). dumb bitch. I think she has major hormonal problems. she always has to be center of attention so she's always dishing out shit. and I don't take shit.

random story here, kind of. in eighth grade, I had a big sleepover and at like 1am, she (the hormonal girl) gets all depressed and goes up in my room. so everyone tries talking to her and shes like "I HOPE I DIE I'M GOING HOME" so we were like, okay whatever, because she's a drama queen, and she flipped out on me and was yelling and swearing. her mom came and picked her up and my mom woke up and came down and asked what happened. then two days later she was in the hospital because she had ovarian cysts, which made her hormones really bad. but she's always been like that. and she still is. her mom also told my mom that she thinks her daughter is bipolar, but doesn't do anything about it. so, nice.
I know I sound really bitchy. I'm sorry.

and yeah, black flag. they're AMAZING! I can't believe you don't like them! I love punk. It's just incredible. I have this whole playlist on my ipod of punk songs and that's all I listen to, besides mcr :D
I also like dead kennedys, descendants, bad brains, minor threat, and misfits too. They're pretty good. I've never actually listened to sex pistols, but I grew up listenening to ramones, so of course I love them.

I feel the need to say, that I just love talking about music. I could seriously go on and on and on. haha
which is why i am in love with this guy named steven... :) ahah
I don't care if you don't care, I want to tell you about him just because he wasn't at school today and I miss him! Wow. I sound like those really annoying girls that are like "OMGz W3 iZ iiN LUVZ!" (sorry, I felt the need to do that because my friend elise and I always do that when we talk like annoying people. I think you probably know the people we mean)
so ANNYWAY. the first day of school, I had band and I play percussion, he plays trombone and I was like, "wow, he looks like mikey way when mcr first started" So I go up to him, and I'm like, "do you listen to my chemical romance?" and he's like, "they're a pretty decent band" so I was like, "well, you kind of look like the bass guitarist did when the band first started" and he just said, "cool".
then one day, before christmas vacation we just sat and talked about music, like random indie bands and guitar and shit. it was so nice to be able to talk face to face about everything that I like and have them be like, "wow, me too". and now we're pretty tight.

aight I am finally done. I just went back and read that and it's really long. haha, oh well. hopefully you have nothing better to do...