Review for 17 Days

17 Days

(#) lacerationgravityxxx 2009-01-14

well fuck me!! i have been meaning to read this story for a while now. and then you kept on updating and i had only read 2 chapters and i was so behind. i was thinking "Day 17 is fast approaching!!" oh and when you update i get about 6 e-mails from ficwad, which is strange, but that would be ficwad overcompensating for never notifying me on "We Like Movies"!!

anyway, this has been a really, really good read! you have a real talent at writing. it must be some major therapy for you also.

thanks for sharing your story in the guise of Gerard.

oh and the massage part (i have never had one) made me smile! god i was freaking out for you!

so thanks very much and i did have so much else to say, but i won't babble on.

looking forward to the next update!

Author's response

I turned email notifications from this site off because they seemed really fucked up. lol

And thank you! I'm glad you really like it. It has been some major therapy writing it.

Feel free to babble anytime (or if you wanna "listen" to me babble more, check out that message board easykeys set up -
