Review for The Big Box of Silliness

The Big Box of Silliness

(#) PerfesserN 2009-03-14

This story needs to be wrapped in red tape that reads: "WARNING, Eating or drinking while reading this story WILL result in food and/or drink being forcibly ejected through the reader’s nostrils!"
You've captured the essence of Mal-formed beautifully, self-aggrandizing and delusional. He is the perfect mark for a prank of the Weasley variety.
I appreciated the tender, Harmonious moment at the end too.
Well done.
Now I have a deal for you - I'll show you the next chapter of Battered Hearts if you'll show me the next chapter of Distaff Side. Do we have an agreement?

Author's response

- Those assured of their own superiority make great targets.

- I've been stuck on Distaff for a while, right at the point of pranking the minders, but I've finally gotten an idea for the prank and how it can backfire I'm hoping to have a chapter of distaff out by next weekend.