Review for All you need is love

All you need is love

(#) danceislife 2009-04-08

Name- Reid
Nicknames- Re
Favourite foods-peanut butter, anything organic, and LOVES Indian
Hobbies-She is a professional snowboarder. She's from a mountain community where you can snowboard almost year round. She's 22 and when she's not snowboarding (which is pretty much never) she enjoys hanging out with her friends. She's big into movies and music as well.
Favourite colours-Reid loves color.
Appearance-Long dark brown/almost black hair, deep blue eyes, fairly tall, pretty thin but athletic (because of the snowboarding). She wears fun jewelry and shoes. She loves wearing costume jewelry from antique shops. She's not too pale, but not exactly tan.
Favourite things to do in the summer- anything with water. Being in the snow all the time can get a little cold!

Reid is my girl, yo. Hope she inspires you ;)