Review for All you need is love

All you need is love

(#) shelovestragedies 2009-04-09

Nicknames-Mindy, Andy
Favourite foods-chocolate ;D anything vegan, ravioli
Hobbies-drawin/painting, listening to music, downloading illegal music off the internet, using words that i dont neccesarily know what they mean, annoying the hell out of my friends, going to concerts, sitting on top of really high places and freaking my parents out, drawing obsessively on my a hopeless romantic. Just know that.
Favourite colours-black, purple, red
Appearance-short layered strawberry blonde hair with blood red dye in it, green eyes, fair skin, both my eyes are double pierced, pretty thin...i wear like a whole crapload of eyeliner, cause i can do that if i want to. im usually wearing some sort of band shirt, from an awesome band. (ex: MCR, Panic, TAI, FOB, etc.) and about 99 percent of the time i either have on a black TWLOHA hoodie or a grey Clandestine one. The only shoes I basically wear are Vans and Converse, and the only jeans I wear are skinny and come from Pac Sun or Hot Topic. fingerless gloves pretty much rock, i wear them a lot.
Favourite things to do in the summer-hiking, camping, rock climbing...anything in the mountains.