Review for The Wizard on the Edge of Forever

The Wizard on the Edge of Forever

(#) grookill 2009-04-14

The ending was a twist I suppose I should have tried to guess but I didn't even come close. I think it's a good idea and I wonder how it'll change him.

As for the Bat'Leth, uh, I take it that Harry isn't going to rob some convenience store, is he? (Check the news archives for what a couple of dolts did in Colorado earlier this year.) Well, you just tossed in the proverbial "gun", so I suppose we'll see it in another act or two, huh?

I suppose you'll need to spend a few more chapters getting Harry situated with the Kirk family and his adapting to the 24(?) century, but I'm hoping you can get him into the Academy and back into space soon.

I wonder how Harry will deal with the changes in the magical world? Given that magical people live longer (or they seem to do in fandom) I think it would be possible to meet the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of his classmates. Then again, perhaps the English magical population was (or wasn't) wiped out in the Eugenic Wars or something similar.

Anyhow, good luck with the next chapter!

Author's response

Hehehe. Nope no convenience store robberies for Harry. That sword will show up again from time to time, but in one chapter its going to be a pretty important item. The only person that knows what I have tentatively planned for it is my beta reader and she's not telling. AS for how hes dealing with all the changes in his world. He's going to deal with it in the upcoming chapters. As for the english Magical population, there still around so to speak. People will (I Hope)will be surprised.
