Review for 1991


(#) lovetah 2009-05-08

haha okay okay I'm part of the lazy people group :D I know I know ;)
I really like this story especially cause it's not like she-meets-gerard-they-fall-in-love-everything-good-they-live-happily-ever-after-and-are-oh-so-in-love.. don't get me wrong I like that they got together - they're cute together.. but I also like that this story is an actually story and not just the girl fawning over gerard all the time.... that it acutally has a plot and the idea is original and that things just HAPPEN.. haha am I making sense? ;)
ohh and he finally met matt!!
and I wonder what happened with Steve..? I like these little parts of amanda's former life always showing up..
update soon please? and I promise to be really busy reviewing all the time :)