Review for Secret Love

Secret Love

(#) RemmiPenda00 2009-05-09

Oi!!! OK. So far this fic is like one of the best that I have ever read like in my ENTIRE life!!! You are a very good writer:D! Unfortunately, whether it be the incompetence of my computer, something being wrong with the functions of FicWad, or hell(pardon me) it could even be just me being stupid, but for some reason unknown to me, I can't seem to be able to read the sixth chapter. It's not that I can't read (obviously, since I've read the other chapters) but even when I reload the page or anything that would usually work, the words are just not there. It's just a blank page for the most part. And I'll admit, it's kind of depressing since I've been very into this story. (Great story line btw). So, if at all possible could you maybe check the page or something because I would love to be able to read the rest of this story:)
Thank you, RemPen8 ;)