Review for YO. AUDITIONS ANYBODY? **I want people to audition, not I want people to audition me....**

YO. AUDITIONS ANYBODY? **I want people to audition, not I want people to audition me....**

(#) They_Call_Me_Monii 2009-05-16

I'll go for it.

Name: Monica (Any last name would do)Also known as: Moni or Mo.

Appearance: Short, skinny, and extremely pale. Hair's currently a bajillion shades of blue on the top layer and black on the bottom. (Color changes every month or so, next is either red or purple.) Always flat ironed. Choppy and shoulder length. Hazel eyes that are framed with thick rimmed, black glasses (Rarely ever wears contacts.)Style consists of obnoxious colored skinny jeans and band shirts, the only pair of shoes I own are literally one pair of beaten up converse.

Personality: Has ADD, ADHD, and mild turrets (Worst combination ever.) Colorful, sarcastic, loud, obnoxious, outgoing, bitchy, random, and lazy. Huge smart ass. I have an anger and attitude problem. I am a very violent fucker when I'm mad. Major trust issues. VERY emotional. Generally intelligent. Lives for art in any form.

Probably Ryan, then Bden and Bilvy tied.

But other than that; Spencer Smith any day. :]

*How many pets do you have: I have two birds. One's a parakeet named Sargent Pepper (After the Beatles; Sargent Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band)and the others a conjure named Bella that I'm convinced is satan and I hate it.

*If you were stuck on a desert island for a year and a half what would you rather eat everyday? Hot dogs or sushi?: Good question... probably hot dogs just because too much sushi can get gross and I could put so much shit on hot dogs.