Review for Mamma Mia! The My Chemical Romance Story

Mamma Mia! The My Chemical Romance Story

(#) ninthlevel 2009-06-08

Yes, we can all write whatever we like, can't we? That goes in both directions.

So my little drug addict, XxSystemOfADownXx - what a great name by the way, did you have your mommie help you out with all the XXX's? I wouldn't be surprised since the last time I saw your mommie she had a needle in her arm and a cock in every hole. That's how you came 'round, wasn't it? An accident. Somehow the wire hanger didn't get you. It's why your mommie beats you, you know that? Mommies do that to things they don't want. Somehow your little spongy skull took the blows, and you grew up to take the drugs that you thought would relieve the pain that you feel. Oh, but it doesn't, does it? Every sun rise and sun set, you know. You know that you're covered in the shit that is life. You reek with it. You vomit it out and spill out poorly formed electronic words about just how horrible it all is.

Fuck you, bitch. Indeed. That's so apropos (I suspect you might have to look that word up). It's such original content! Bravo! It marks you as one of the "humans" as opposed to one of the jackals - like me. I'm one of the jackals. I'm the one that claws the inside of your cranium, howling to burst free in a reverie of blood and brain matter. Like a bullet bursting through bone … or perhaps a Black & Decker drill? "I wonder what that shit would sound like?" Oh, forgive, I imagine you won't get that reference.

It's like nails on the chalkboard. Slowly scraping down. It's almost delicate at first, but the marks are there, left for all time. Like the marks your little razor blades make. You can't even get that right, huh? I know, it's tough. You need real claws (or is that balls?) to get down to the deep veins. Oh what an amazing scene that would be! Do you think anyone would care? You know, if you just slipped away quietly? That's the thing - even if there's a bang, no one notices in the end - especially if you should have been a fetus in a toilet to begin with. Flushed - the putrefied, unfinished flesh of a bad idea, rotting away in the human excrement of the city sewer system. Oh pardon me, none of that ever happened at all, because you're here! Hurray! Let us all rejoice. Maybe there really is a God, after all? He has a twisted sense of humor, don't you think?

Or just maybe, none of it is true at all! There's a fine line between fiction and reality.

Oh by the way, this response is not serious at all, you might even call it anti-serious - a work of complete fiction. A spur-of-the-moment, "Ode to XxSystemOfADownXx " and her/his quest for; calling everyone a bitch, being fat, and smoking cat nip! Because it's a free country and we're all allowed to say "fuck you bitch" as much as we all want, aren't we?

Author's response

I hope you're done reciting emo poetry because that was just horrible. why don't you get a life insted of posting stuped emo comments you little emo whore.