Review for AUDITIONS


(#) xxMCRMYxx 2009-06-15

Name: Tilde [pronounced Tilda]
Age: 13
Appearance: Tall with short black hair and hazel eyes. Emo/Punky clothes {im in love with my Nightmare before Christmas hoodie =D]
Personality: Im naturally hyper and stuff like that. But i suppose i can be kinda close to mature
Interests: MUSIC!!! It's all i do. When i draw I lsten to music, when i do my home work I listen to music, when I walk anywhere I listen to music. MCR are my life

Hobbies: I play electric guitar and i sing ALL THE TIME!!

Dislikes: Im terrified of needles [like syringes and imunisations. Last year i had a panic attack when I had to get an injection D=] I hate people who diss MCR, pop, MILEY CYRUS, HSM 1, 2 and 3 and Violin [I played for 6 years... not too fond memories]

Likes: Music, MCR, guitar, Panic! At The Disco, FFs, you

Why Should I Pick You?: I don't know. Cause i really wanna be in it? But if Im nt cool for the part I don't mind. Im excited to see the story you have planned though!!

xx Tilde