Review for AUDITIONS


(#) BonePalacePaige 2009-06-19

Name: Paige

Age: 14

Appearance: Dark brown hair, red lowlights. I have side bangs, hair is layered, the front barely touchs my shoulder, back is 3 inches off my shoulder. I tease my hair, but its not like BAM in your face teasing, its pretty subtle. olive skin. dark brown eyes. I'm 5'2, athletic figure. double piercings in my ear. I wear a good amount of mascara.

Personality: Most of the time I'm pretty talkative. I go around dancing. Ridiculously spaztic and load. I talk with my hands, and I talk pretty fast. I'm really not a girly girl. I'm known as the music kid at my school, because I know quite a bit about that topic. I have a really strong conscience. I'll do something witty and feel bad about in a few hours. The last thing I wanna do it hurt someones feelings. I'm a good friend, I'll take a bullet for anyone close to me (for like location wise, but like, close friends/family) :3 I've made alot of mistakes in my life, and I don't think I'm really worth much. I'm pretty innocent, but I don't take peoples crap. I always have something to say. I'm just your basic good kid, with an edge ;)

Likes: Music, sharpies, nail polish, piercings, tattoos thick rimmed glasses, rootbeer, snow/rain, texting, photography, tennis, friends, hugs, signing yearbooks, cats, uncertainty.

Dislikes: Stupid people. I have no tolerance for stupid people. Whorey people, violence, drugs, snakes, clowns, demi lavoto,

Interests/ Hobbies: I play a whole shitload of competitive tennis. I play piano and saxaphone.

Why i should pick you: Because I'm a hard worker :p ahah , thats what they always say when you try to get a job.
you should pick me because I roll wif the punches, and will write 3984209 word long reviews xD