Review for Back of the stage.

Back of the stage.

(#) ohhai 2009-07-18

and Joe is just fslafg :3
This made me excited, please make it happen :D
Imma just copy and paste from another audition, so sorry if it's too long; didn't read =/
Name: Brooke
Appearance: Orange hair that's cropped short to where it brushes the shoulder. It is also naturally straight, but there is a stubborn piece mocking my flat iron in the back that enjoys flipping up. 5'8. Blue eyes.
I've been wearing a lot of dresses lately because summer = no pants zone. Other normal simple stuff also applies (ie: band tees and skinnies). I've always got a rubber band on my wrist though, cause ya never know. And I usually wear a couple rings, out of habit.
Personality: Wild, random, daring, fun-loving, thrill-seeking. Sometimes to the point of it being completely obnoxious. I can be an asshole sometimes and offensive. I don't really think before I talk. I lie a lot. I'm really good at it. Only a couple close friends can/will call me out on my shit. I will admit drama is intriguing and fun. I prefer curious to nosy. I'm not vegan, but I find most meat disgusting. No piercings or tattoos for me, because I am absolutely terrified of needles.
Pairing: Is Joe available? If not, dibs on Peter pretty please :D

Author's response

Ahaha. Suree. Joe's taken. So you got Pete there. XD
Nice call. XD!
Yeah it was a bit long, but I'll cut it down. XD