Review for Auditions auditions auditions auditions come on :-D :-) B-)

Auditions auditions auditions auditions come on :-D :-) B-)

(#) ohsotay23 2009-07-29

Hey there! I love stories like theseee! :D

Name: Taylor! (:

Age: 15. But you will probably have to change this. ahaha.

Appearance: Monroe Piercing and first and second hole on ears. Tattoo before the summer ends, hopefully! ): Black hair with some blonde underneath (two toned) and it's a little past my shoulder blades with fringe bangs/whatever you call them, and choppy layers. I'm 5' 4", average size but a bit curvy. Hour glass figure. I don't have once style, it all depends on my mood. I'll shop anywhere. I love eyeliner, but don't go overboard. Green-Blue eyes with long eye lashes that i get complimented on a lot.

Personality: Outgoing. Sarcastic. Observant. I always have an opinion and I am not scared to speak my mind. Extremely blunt. Loyal, and respect is a big thing with me. I'm very witty. I am extremely moody and very wise. I'm reliable, people come to me for help. I'm spontaneous. I'm realistic. I'm always curious and ask a lot of questions. I can be really quiet when i just meet someone cause I like to observe them and try to read the a bit.

Pairings: Gabe Saporta, Pete Wentz, Shaant Hacikyan. Honestly, I'm open to any reasonable pairing though. (:

Dreams: To make a difference in the world and influence someone in a positive way. I want to be that person that understands the teenagers/people who feel like they're not understood: To be someone to relate to. I dream of being an author, lyricist, or maybe a boutique owner.

Fears: failure, spiders, the dark (pathetic, i know. ahaha.), loneliness, being betrayed.

Species: I think it would be pretty freaking awesome to be a vampire, not gonna lie. ;]

Author's response

A a vamp keepin it old school lol okay ta.