Review for Auditions auditions auditions auditions come on :-D :-) B-)

Auditions auditions auditions auditions come on :-D :-) B-)

(#) tryingtohard_x 2009-07-30

oooh woman you have me intrugied :D

name; Hannah :]
Age: 19 {i know i'm olllld}
Appearence: Brown hair, with a range of highlights! emo fringe ofc. lip peircing on my left side. brown eyes? i'm average height and average figuire. i loveee eyeliner and i wear pretty much anything!

Parings; Gabe Sporta, William to any though :D

Dreams; To write, anything from magazine articles to book :]

Fears; Bugs & Dying.

Hence me wanting to be a vampire...coz they are teh sex & the whole eternal life part is a plus :D

Author's response

Vamps are the sex indeed lol