Review for Auditions auditions auditions auditions come on :-D :-) B-)

Auditions auditions auditions auditions come on :-D :-) B-)

(#) danceislife 2009-07-31

No Harper? Can it be?! I can have Caleb all to myself?!?! Bwa hahaha. I'm trying to start a fight with her. Harper? Are you playing? hehehe. I hope she is. If not, I look lame...

Name: November

Age: 22 (side note, Caleb is only a few days older than I am in real life. heheheh).

Appearance: Tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin.

Personality: Commanding when need be, otherwise quite shy. She loves laughing, goats and water (idk. Go with it.) She prefers the country to the city, but enjoys the city very much. Her weakness is peanut butter; she loves it!

Parings (3 please): Caleb ;), um...Kyle Burns is quite nice too. It's the grin. Its got me. And finally?! Alex Gaskarth. I know. I'm so not FOB today...

Dreams: World domination. JK. She wants to make everyone happy. She's a people pleaser. She can safely answer "World Peace" and mean it.

Fears: She's terrified of being kidnapped and/or buried alive. She's never been in a situation to suggest either would happen, but it's still a fear.

Species: Human. But since she's a "keep the peace" kind of person maybe some sort of calming presence that is unexplained.

Author's response

Lol Harper the audition junkie. Danceislife will you review this story though? You have a character in my other story and no reviews from you...